Friday, October 31, 2008

Look at my costumed cuties! David had a very comfortable, easy to dress a 4 month old in skeleton sleeper. And yes, that is the same costume Sara wore last year. This year it actually fits. She loves being a ladybug and has been buzzing around the house most of the day when the mood strikes.

The kids were up early today and in the mood for fun. I put David's sleeper on in the morning and Sara had fun pointing to his ribs, pelvis, spine and metatarsals. A baby anatomy lesson!

They were both very happy today, and very adverse to napping. Sara tried to convince me to let her eat muffins for breakfast, snack and lunch. It's funny what toddlers would eat if left to their own choices. But Mom was mean and made her eat her apple and carrots instead.

We went to the JCI trick or treating party at 3. Sara relearned grabbing candy very quickly. When we walked in, she spotted a cauldron full of candy. Ben took it down for her to pick one. She looked at it, then looked at her pumpkin. She put the empty pumpkin back on the chair and tried to drag off the full one. Nice try, kid! But you have to work for your goodies. She filled up the pumpkin and ran around for a while having fun seeing all the kids in costumes.

After that fun, we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Sara quickly found their candy stash. We had to police the sugar stash all night or she would have overdosed pretty quickly! Ellen and Nate brought Allison and Andrew over after dinner and Ellen and I took the kids out trick or treating to the three houses with lights on in the 36th St neighborhood. I think Mom and Dad got two other groups of kids. It's a quiet neighborhood. But that was enough for one 1 year old, one 2 year old and one 3 year old. They had fun saying trick-or-treat and thank you! And Sara was done walking by the time we were five houses down the road. Those Hudsonville houses are well spread out!

The kids rampaged through the house while the grown ups visited or "were on the computer" (that's all I'm saying about that, Ellen!) Grandpa taught Sara a new game, jumping off the footstool into Grandpa's lap. It was good Grandma didn't see that! She was taking a quick walk with Mrs. DeBoer. They are suspects in the great crime of Hudsonville; the mystery cement sidewalk defacer. The cops were out measuring the footprints in the new cement. The circumstantial evidence is mounting...

David fell asleep on the drive home and Sara nearly did. Ben is giving her some night time cuddles and soon she'll crash. She didn't take much of a nap, ran all afternoon and is coming off a sugar high. She has discovered the wonder of 3 Musketeer bars. It's the first real candy she's eaten. She got 2 snack size bars and begged for more from whoever would listen. I figured she could be spoiled one night of the year, right?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

We had a very busy day at home after a slow start. David did not want to sleep last night and Ben got disoriented to the time. He was so confused he shut off his alarm and slept until the kids woke up at 8.

He rushed off to work and the kids and I got started on our day. Sara has been amazingly hungry. She comes up to me before meal and snack times and says "I'm hungry, food now?" Once she was full, she got out the books and started to read to David. She has Goodnight Moon nearly memorized. She loves to say goodnight to the little mouse, the clocks and the socks.

I put the fleece liner in the car seat for David today. I think the cooler weather is here to stay. Sara had a great time playing peekaboo with him while I adjusted the straps. He thought it was hilarious; he grinned and laughed at Sara the whole time. She patted him and kissed his head "David so nice brother. Peekaboo!"

When David went down for his nap, Sara and I made muffins. Sara loves to help. She helped me beat the eggs and poured the dry ingredients into a bowl. Then she helped me scoop the batter into the pan and put her oven mitt on to help me bring them to the oven. Mommy is the only one who may touch the oven, though. I made sure she knew that! She looks like such a big girl in this picture! It's so much fun to do things with her help. The muffins tasted really, really good, too. Sara would eat them all if I let her! "My muffins taste so good! I good helper!"

We took a family trip to Meijer to return pop bottles and get candy for tomorrow. Sara had fun watching and counting the fish in the tanks. "One, two, three, four, sixteen fish! Fish swim zoom, zoom!" Ben found her a pumpkin sippy on the Halloween clearance and she was a happy girl. What a treat it is to go to Meijer with Dad!

Sara threw a fit about taking a bath tonight. I have no idea why. She usually loves her bath! Maybe she was just tired. We read a couple stories and she said "I sleepy. Go bed now" That NEVER happens! I hope she's not coming down with something.

David is fussing away right now. He is starting to look sleepy so hopefully we're getting to the end of it for the night. My mom says this is what evenings with baby me were like, so I guess I had it coming. He was such a happy baby all day, though. Hopefully he'll wear out soon and we can all go to bed.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New toys!

Today started early; David woke up hungry at 4:30 and then wanted to play. I laughed with him while getting ready for work...until the phone rang. My nursing talent was not required today. So I handed the task of settling David down to Ben and crawled into bed to snuggle Sara. We all snoozed until 8:15.
I got brave and took both of the kids grocery shopping. It went pretty well. Sara only escaped once. Those long aisles were just to tempting. She took off running, much to the amusement of all other shoppers and Meijer employees. That earned her a seat in the cart, where she named every piece of food I put in. "These carrots. Bananas. Bread. Apple juice. Milk...."
When we got to our corner, Sara spotted Aunt Ellen's Explorer! She was so excited "Allison, Andrew, play with me!" The kids ate a big lunch and then played until everyone's eyes looked a little glazed. I hope that Allison and Andrew napped as well as Sara and David did this afternoon!
When Ben got home, I tried out a new recipe for fettucine alfredo, with tomatoes and chicken in the sauce. It was really good, but note to self: make only half the recipe next time. It's full of milk, cheese, butter and sour cream. Definitly not something to eat every day. But Ben and Sara both gave it two thumbs up and a "tastes so good!" The chicken is cooked in a skillet with garlic, basil and oregano and Sara really liked it.
I just finished reading Sara Silly Goose and Duck for President. She's fussing a bit about being in bed but her heart isn't in it. She'll be down in no time. David is sound asleep in his seat. I should move him up to his crib soon, but I think I'll wait until he wakes up for his 10:00 feeding. Ben is on the phone trying to fix Lauren's freaked out computer and I'm watching some baseball (Phillies are ahead 4-3 at the moment). It's a nice relaxing night.
Quote of the day...."He's been here the whole time you were upstairs? Really?" From Ben who was unknowingly watching David while I took a shower. Somewhere I read a funny about how women know all the important details of their childrens life while men are vaguely aware of short people living in the house. I'm thinking that's some Dave Barry...but how true it is sometimes!
Oh yes, the new toy. Ellen brought over the exersaucer. David is a fan.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My big helper

Sara was my big helper today. She loves "helping" with the laundry and with David's bath. She got to do both today! How much fun. I give her one piece of clothing and she tries to fold it. After much waving she usually throws it back in the basket and says "All folded! Welcome, Mom!" and then grabs another piece. Socks are also a favorite for waving.
David just watches and smiles. Sara gave him a washcloth to wave and he sat and chewed on it while we folded. His help is much less distracting. I get a lot more done when David helps!
David was much happier today than he has been, although he's fussing away right now while Ben walks with him. He's trying to find his sleep. Poor kid. He sleeps well at night but the evenings are tough.
Both kids got a bath tonight. Sara loves it; David is not so sure. See the face we captured on camera? He does like splashing his feet and getting his face washed.
Sara is eating her cookie for bedtime snack and soon it will be time to rock and read Duck for President. I'm working tomorrow so I'm trying to get everything together for their day. I hope David does well with his bottles; I worry when I'm away from him. But so far he's managed not to starve. Look at that baby pudge!

Monday, October 27, 2008

A cold Monday

We had a busy weekend! Ben's Grandpa Abma was here on Saturday so we all went to Mark and Kristen's house for a big potluck with lots of good food. Sara had fun running nonstop and playing with the girls. David was unhappy for most of the evening but there were plenty of arms willing to hold him for a while.

Sunday always keeps us busy. It's a lot of work to get two kids out the door to church! Sara had lots of fun in the nursery with Hayden. David slept through most of both services. Good job, dude!

Both kids went to bed later than usual on Sunday night, but that did not mean a sleep in today! They were up and at it right on time. I did convince Sara to cuddle in bed until David woke up. I realized today that someday I won't have anyone say "Cuddles me please, Mommy. Hugs now." I don't want them to ever grow up! What will I do when I don't get my daily dose of cuddle?

It was cold and sleety today. Wendy and I tried to complete a Pilates DVD, but Hayden and Sara took that as an excuse to climb all over us. So we gave up and chased them instead. That's exercise too!

David sat by us for lunch. Look at him grinning in his seat! You can have some food soon, kid. Right now he just gets to watch. Sara ate lots of strawberries - "More strawberries, please Mommy. So good, tastes so good!" She's been into her meals lately, and she has to choose what she gets. Strawberries or banana? Waffle or Cheerios? Cheese or yogurt? I feel like I'm giving a survery for every meal. But she eats much better when presented with choices. And of course, only a very clueless person would say "What do you want to eat?" She would ask for something like green beans with cookies.
After dinner we had a Skype call with Grandma and Grandpa A and then went to MC Sports to get me a new pair of running shoes. It was time; I've had the previous pair since our trip to the Virgin Islands. I found a nice pair on sale! Life is good.
We made cookies when we got home and Sara is just finishing up her milk and warm cookie. The kids are watching some baseball with Daddy before we start bundling them into bed. It's going to be a cold rainy night, I hope it's a little nicer weather tomorrow. Sara has energy to burn!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Big girl potty!

Yes, this is an old picture, and somewhat shocking too. But this is what we are celebrating today! Two poops on the potty! One at Grandma's house and one before bed. She told me she had to go both times, hopped on the potty seat, and went! I feel like all the time watching her just sit there is starting to pay off. I know that two poops do not a potty trained child make, but it's nice to get off dirty diaper duty for a day. Especially since she ate a whole apple yesterday. Seeds, core and all. It was good to let the plumbing take care of that nasty stuff!
The kids slept in a little this morning, so we had to hurry a bit to get to Sara's doctor appointment. She's a healthy two year old. She's still on the small side - 23.5 pounds and 33.5 inches. But she's active and talkative and pretty well behaved. She chatted away to the doctor and giggled "It tickles my tummy!" during her physical.
She got two shots today, hepatitis and flu. She cried "Why, why, mommy? I'm sorry! Why, why?" I felt so bad. I keep reminding myself that I'd feel worse if she got sick because I skipped the vaccines. Be tough, Mom! Mommy-ing isn't for wimps!
We picked up Sara's two year pictures on the way to Grandma's house. They turned out so cute! They really caught her Sara look. Her haircut was curly and girly and when she agreed to stop running she posed so nicely. I'll be sending some out to New Jersey soon. Ellen, your's are at Mom's house.
Sara had fun playing with Allison and Andrew who spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Allison read me her new fish book, and Andrew climbed on everything. Sara was so worn out she fell asleep about halfway home and took a good nap. David got a cat nap on the drive and then played with me for the afternoon. He can be a fussy baby, but when he grins there is no one cuter!
When Ben got home, Sara demanded pouncing and chasing games immediatly. She had lots of energy to spare! She ate a dinner that "tastes so good!" and then calmed down a bit. David fussed while I was at the grocery store but magically calmed down right when I got back. They're both sleeping now, and I'm hoping to get a little sleep in tomorrow, too!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's getting cold around here! There was frost on the ground this morning and tonight is supposed to be freezing, too. I got out the coats and hats! Doesn't David look cute in his baby fleece?
We had a very awake night last night. About 4:30 David decided it was playtime. Big smiles! But no luck, kid, Mom and Dad just want to sleep at that time. He finally gave in.
The kids had a great day just playing at home. Sara wanted to make Daddy another pie, but we settled for slicing apples for a snack. She made me apple pie with cheese with her dishes today. And apple cider with ice cream. She comes up with some pretty good combinations! Usually her favorite foods in one mix or another. I wasn't to sure about the mashed potatos with waffles.
After dinner we went hayriding with the TLC kids. Sara stayed behind at church in the nursery with Hayden. They pretty much run around in circles and make the nursery volunteer's heads spin. Ben and David and I and the kids had a great time at Teusinks farm. It was almost completely dark by the time we got off. Of course, the kids thought that was great. David was bundled in several layers and in the snuggly, so he slept the entire time. When we got back to church, Sara was running in circles and jumping - she seems wide awake but silliness usually means sleepiness.
We got home and had a great bedtime! David ate and fell asleep. Sara got into her pjs, had a snack of crackers and milk while watching the World Series with Ben. She went right to bed after she finished with waves and kisses for all.
I hope the fantastic bedtime is a sign that we will have a fantastic night!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Drummer boy

Look at my little drummer! He likes to make noise. Beating on a drum was possibly the most fun he's ever had. The only thing that he's laughed at more was Sara when she was laughing at his toots yesterday. He seems to get stronger every day.
She's had plenty to laugh at. The poor kid is full of gas and fussy about it. He had a rough night of sleep yesterday, but was sleeping adorably when the rest of us woke up. Sara was up early for breakfast with no clothes on. She took her pajamas off and announced "I eat naked now!" I suppose this should be discouraged.
We had a fun morning reading books, making puzzles and playing peekaboo with David. He loves to see his big sister and smile for her!
I had education stuff to do at work this afternoon so the kids went to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Sara was excited because there was a dump truck across the street. Grandma reported that she played hard and took a good nap. David took a good nap at the same time, so Grandma got a little down time. How did you do it, Mom? Please share! When I picked them up, Sara was busy making puzzles, again and again! Grandma's house has such fun toys.
We all got home about 6, so we picked up Dad and went out for some dinner at Culver's. Sara had fries and her treat bag from Grandma. We saw Uncle Paul and Aunt Donna with Paula, Phil and LJ at the restaurant. LJ had Grandma time today, too! He was all worn out and sleeping.
Sara wore her new footie pajamas to bed tonight. She gets cold feet during the night without something on her feet. She's starting to learn how to pull the covers back up, but it's not something she can do consistantly. So footies is it, to keep her comfy and in her own bed! She got new slippers for the house too, and insisted on wearing them over her pjs.
David took a little rocking, walking and singing to quiet down tonight. He loves to be sung to; he stops fussing and smiles at me. He will just watch my face and grin until his eyelids start to get heavy. He's tucked in his crib now and hopefully will sleep until 2 or so. It's time for a good night out of him!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

We're healed!

Finally, a happy healthy day! It started with an early morning call to tell me I was on call today. I got called in fairly early on in the day, but I got to sleep in a little and help get the kids going.
Ben decided not to take the kids to church in the morning because David had just settled down for a nap and Sara was bouncing off the walls with her newfound energy. They took it easy this afternoon and got back on schedule.
I worked a couple hours in the ICU and then lent a hand in the ER for a while instead of going back home on call again. Doing something different for a few hours made the day fly by! I definitly polished up my IV skills.
When I got home, both kids were grinning to see me. It's so exciting to see David start to recognize my voice! He gets all grinny. It's probably just because he knows his food source is near, but I can tell myself that it's his unconditional mommy love!
We made it to church at night, and then to Great Grandma's hosue for pizza and cousin time. Sara had a blast. She was chatting about Allison and Andrew until I put her in her bed. I could hear her talking in bed for a bit and I'll bet it was about her night. She likes to review her day and talk about tomorrow before she goes to sleep.
So now the little ones are sleeping and the big ones should be too.
Oh yes, this picture was taken a week or so ago. I think it shows how much Sara and David look alike! What do you think? And does anyone see any resemblence to me? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's Saturday!

Finally, this week is done. We are all starting to feel better, although tempers are a little short and tears were a little more common today than usual (Mommy included! Daddy was pretty tough, though).
Sara slept OK until sometime between 2 and 3. She crawled into bed with us but still couldn't get settled. I had a headache and David was hungry so by the time the kids woke up at 7 Ben was the only sane one in the house. He decided to stay home from bridgebuilding on the Macatawa Greenway to let us all get caught up on some rest. Thanks, dear! I felt so bad for him, but he and Sara did get to go out for a little while to help with the construction. Sara had a great time watching and seeing Sunstar the dog.
Ben got home and I went to work for a 2 hour class and then a grocery store stop. The kids were good for him and the house looked much better when I got home than when I left!
Jay and Laura came to visit in the afternoon. It was so good to see them! Can't wait until you move out here for good, guys! Sara started out shy, but soon enough she had Ben and Jay involved in her bouncing tumbling games.
David really likes sitting in the high chair while we eat, and today a little bit of applesauce might have made it's way into his mouth. He licked his lips and laughed. Yeah, getting this kid to eat food might not be as much of a challenge as bottles has been. I hope not!
I cut Sara's nap a little short today to see if we can get better night time sleep. We took a walk to calm the kids down and she did go to bed early with very little protest. She was so tired she didn't even want to help with David's bath! So unlike her. I hope my happy baby will be back soon. There's no more coughing or fever but she isn't quite herself just yet. Hopefully a good nights sleep will reset her for next week.
One more note - Happy birthday to Great Grandma Algera! She's 87 today!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sara had a rough night last night. Her fever spiked up to 103.7 and she was pretty miserable. Tylenol, juice and water, cold cloths and Mommy snuggles helped get her to sleep about 12:30. When she woke up she was sleepy with a low grade temp but otherwise better than yesterday. She played tea party, did puzzles, picked on her brother and took a good nap.
So now she's sitting next to me playing with her pig and cow. I gave her Tylenol about 45 minutes ago and I guess it's working! I should be hard hearted and plunk her back in bed for the third time, but she's being so cute! Her head is on my shoulder and she's chatting. She's pointing at this picture and saying "we holding hands in picture. So cute! Love David!" I think she's better and just awake after all the sleep she got the past couple days. I better go get her in bed. I think I'm in for a long rocking time!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sara loves playing at Holland Heights Park. Here she is sliding with Daddy Tuesday night. Ben will have more and better edited video up on Facebook soon!

I love Tylenol!

Look at this poor sick kid! Sara woke up about 1:30 this morning sobbing and burning up. She didn't really get to sleep until her second dose of Tylenol at 6 or so. Poor baby. She's so rarely sick that it really throws her off. On top of Sara's troubles, David decided to have a hungry night. And then I started feeling stuffed up and feverish. We're in real good shape around here. It's a good thing that Ben and David seem to have superman immune systems.
So today was a comfy clothes, cartoons, fluids and Tylenol kind of day. It's so strange for Sara to sit and cuddle or sleep all day long! She watched all of Super Why without saying a word or moving off the couch. Usually she's all over the living room and shouting out the letters and songs. My head and sinuses are killing me, so I assume Sara is feeling the same thing. She keeps rubbing her face and head. She says "I just sad, Mommy."
Right now she's in a peak Tylenol effect time and watching baseball with Ben. She likes to yell "safe!" and "out of there!" Soon she'll crash, and probably want to sleep by mom tonight too.
Last night it really hit me what being a mom means. You are comfort to a toddler when nothing else works. As long as Mommy is here, things are not that bad. And you sacrifice sleep and your own comfort so that your baby can have that reassurance. She clung to me most of the early morning and fell asleep while I held her. I'm just thankful that bad colds are the worst that has ever happened to her and pray that that is the way things stay. I think of all the parents who have really sick children and I don't know how they handle it!
I hope that tonight is a better night for everybody. Sara just felt my forehead and announced "Mommy sick too!" She thinks she is an expert diagnostician. After all, she knows how to use a thermometer now! "I do it myself! Check number! Now do Mommy!" She hands me her toy cup and says "Drink juice, Mommy!" What a good little nurse she is! We are both hopped up on our respective max doses of Tylenol and I think we'll be much better by morning.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I do it myself!

"I do it myself!" That was the sentence I heard all day long. She wanted to make her own breakfast, brush her own hair, rake her own leaves, hold her blanket on the slide and wash her own hair at bathtime. She's officially two! I let her do as much by herself as she could, which is actually quite a bit.
She's started getting up between 4 and 5 AM and crawling into our bed. I'm not sure why but she generally sleeps OK and isn't tired so I guess it's not an issue. Just the confusing mind of a toddler!
David and Sara were both very good kids today. They took their naps right on time and played and smiled for me. Sara loves making block stacks and reading her new books. David sat in his seat or played on his blanket. Sara made apple pie and raisins for him with her new dish set. She told me these are David's favorites and he liked them so good!
During David's morning nap, Sara helped me rake leaves. Basically she dragged a rake over to the pile and said "I did it!", then went and played with her ball and Ben's bike pump. I can't believe what a big pile I had from just one tree! The maples still have all their leaves. It will be a busy fall. At least Ben got the grass mowed while it was relatively clear.
After dinner we took a walk to the park. We've discovered that a little after dinner play helps Sara burn some extra energy and makes bedtime easier. She loves to slide and swing! And it was a beautiful fall evening. I bundled David up and he slept through the walk and sat on my lap at the park. Next fall he'll be able to play, too!
Sara got her bath that she did herself and now she's working at a bedtime snack of apple slices. David is playing with his rattle ball and starting to get hungry/fussy. It's bedtime!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

It was a gorgeous day today! Warm and sunny. It's hard to believe it really is October. I keep remembering that it snowed when Sara was born. I don't think we'll be seeing snow tomorrow!
We had a very slow start to the day after all the excitement last night. Sara crawled into bed with us in the early morning and snuggled in until about 8:30. She started doing this occasionally and I'm not sure why. She just wakes up and goes looking for mommy.
We took a short trip to the mall so I could find some shoes that fit. My feet seem to have grown since last winter. The kids were not up for a long shopping expedition, though. So we went to Grandma's for a little visit. Sara ate her lunch on the porch and got Grandpa and Dad to read lots of books to her.
Both kids fell asleep on the drive home, so I took a nap and Ben watched Michigan lose another game.
David sat in the highchair to watch the rest of us eat. He's been fussy lately and sitting up seems to make him a little happier. His shirt explains his theme for the day. He was a hungry little munchkin. He seemed to have fun being at the table with us. He played with the straps and made talking noises.
Sara would not be separated from the doll she got from Grandma and Grandpa Z today. She threw a fit when I told her the dolly couldn't go in the bathtub with her. "Baby is dirty! Needs bath, mommy!" She grabbed it as soon as I dried her off. Now she's in bed with her dolly. I can hear her kicking the wall occasionally but she's quiet and will be asleep soon. David is being fussy and walking with Daddy. I hope he gets over this fussy/hungry streak. I guess he's just growing. Just add milk, you know!

Friday, October 10, 2008


It was a busy day and we are very slowly winding down here. It started out great for me - Ben and Dad watched Sara while David and I slept in until almost 8:30! Thanks guys!
After Grandpa left to fly back home, Grandma Z and I took Sara to get her 2 year pictures taken. She was a little fussy and shy but we managed to get a couple cute shots. Usually she is a cheese for the camera but today she decided to show her two-ness.
Uncle Rich came to visit for lunch. Sara jumped up and down and got even more excited when she got some McDonald's chicken nuggets and fries from him. He knows how to get his neices to love him! Sara and Ally love their Uncle "Rip City" I'm not sure where that came from, maybe Rich can enlighten me.
Both kids needed cuddling to get to napping, but they gave me enough time to get mostly ready for the party. Ben came home a little early so I could get a last minute Meijers run in and decorate Sara's cake. Flowers and colored icing can cover a lot of lumps! Grandma and Allison liked the icing - we caught them licking some from the can!
Sara was so excited when she got down from her nap and saw a wrapped present and a cake. She wanted to party right then and got upset when we said she had to wait for the party. "Happy birthday cake, now! Present open now! Please!" She sobbed until Grandma and Grandpa showed up. Then Nate and Ellen and Allison and Andrew showed up and she was having to much fun to worry.
We had a Pizza Hut dinner and Andrew amazed us with how much pasta he can eat. I think he ate more than I did! And he had a nice marinara scent all night.
Present opening was a madhouse but the kids had so much fun! Everyone got such great gifts for Sara. She didn't know which ones to play with next. She got a doll and stroller and sparkly hair bows from Grandma and Grandpa, a book from Great Grandma, blocks from Mom and Dad and a book from David, and a chef outfit and dish set from Uncle Nate and Aunt Ellen. Check out Flickr for some great pictures!
Ben just finished reading her two of her new books - Cat in the Hat and Where the Wild Things Are. After her bedtime snack we're going to have to convince her to get some sleep. David fell asleep very shortly after everyone left. He's not used to such a circus! It was a really fun day. I hope Sara will catch up on sleep by sleeping in tomorrow! I can hope!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sara had a great day today - Grandpa came from New Jersey to visit her! She started jumping up and down as soon as she saw him get out of his car. And within an hour she had him reading Green Eggs and Ham and Duck for President. Ben and I truly appreciate the reading break. Sara loves her books! She reads them to David, too. It's so funny to hear her version of the story. It usually has a tangential relationship to the actual words.
Ben came home for lunch so Sara got to sit by Dad and Grandpa. She made sure everyone was sitting where she wanted them to. Sara opened up some presesnts - she got a Scooby Doo fishing pole from Grandpa. When we tried to help her cast and reel she pulled out her favorite sentence - "No, I do it myself!"
After lunch Ben went back to an afternoon of meetings and the rest of us went to Veldheers to get pumpkins. When we got there they had just finished plowing the patch under because they didn't have a very good crop! Sara didn't care. She picked her pumpkin off the wagon and then picked a "baby punkin" for David. She got to see their kittens, although she didn't herd them like she did last year. This year she had a purpose; "get my pumpkin!" She chatted about pumpkin patches until she fell asleep on the ride home.
After dinner Sara got more presents! She got a card in the mail from Great Grandpa and Grandma Abma. It had glitter on it - what else is necessary to fascinate a 2 year old? Grandma sent new sheets and a new puzzle. Sara has been making the puzzle since she opened it. It has animal pieces and she was able to match them all to the right spot from the first time! Now she is making the puzzle then dumping the pieces out and shouting "Again! Puzzle again! I do it!"
Soon it will be bedtime. David is nearly down already but I think Sara will take some more convincing. Why sleep when you can play with Grandpa?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Today was Sara's first haircut! She was starting to get a shaggy dog look going - hair always in her eyes. So we went to get things trimmed up and get some bangs. It looks really cute! She has that 50's Barbie doll look going on when I curl it all up. She was very quiet and shy while she was getting it cut, but as soon as a we got in the car she started patting her head and saying "mom, I so pretty! Hair is so nice!" She couldn't wait to get to Grandma's and show it off.
When we got to Grandma's, there was a backhoe digging holes to connect the new house across the street to the utility lines. The kids loved watching it. Sara was very excited about the "dump truck". She loved playing with Ally and Andrew even though Andrew kept running off with her books. David was fussy but Grandma got him to calm down. Finally, they were all worn out and we headed off for naps. They took good ones!
After nap, we squeezed in a little outside time before it started sprinkling. I don't know what I'll do with her when it gets to cold to go out. She knows exactly where her hat and jacket are and demands racing and ball playing. I guess we will just bundle up!
Ben was in Detroit again today for a class. He really enjoyed it. Unfortunatly the corporate shuttle had been double booked and he and his classmates had to drive back to Holland. I bundled up the kids and picked him up at the car rental place, drove back to Tulip City Airport to get the truck and then headed home. Ben picked up a Frosty for me at Wendy's as a peace offering!
Now Ben is upstairs reading Duck for President and I am blogging and eating my ice cream. Mmmmmm. David is starting to wiggle in an "I'll be needing some food soon" way. Mom to the rescue!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sara had a great day today because her friends came to play! First Wendy and Hayden came over for a mom walk and a stop at the park. It was a little wet from the rain last night, but that doesn't stop our monkey children.
Anika joined us after preschool, and Dominique brought Parker too! They are here for a little visit and are heading back to Wisconsin tomorrow. (Thanks for the canned treats, guys!). Anika wanted all the kids to play school, but there is a reason 2 year olds don't mix with school. The attention span just isn't there. Sara and Hayden did have fun coloring together. They kept running around the easel to see what the other one was drawing. They had fun eating chicken nuggets and banging on things. Somehow, David pulled off a nap through most of the craziness.
Sara was so worn out after the morning she crashed for a nap about 5 minutes after everyone left. David snoozed a while too, so I got in enough sleep to replace what I didn't get in the night. Nice!
After napping, Sara was ready to rip. We read lots of books and made sandcastles out of legos. Her latest favorite book is Duck for President. Fortunatly it is a cute book that is fun to read. If you ask her who is running for president she says "Duck and Barack Obama!" She's up to date on her current events!
Ben had a long day in Detroit today, but he's finally home and has taken over reading about Duck and the recounts. David is taking his after dinner snooze. It's finally completely quiet nice. I think I'll go enjoy it by reading a chapter or two of a book with more than 20 pages!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

We had a lot of fun this weekend! So much that I ran out of energy before I got to the blog on Saturday. So let's catch up.
The kids gave us a little sleep in time - Sara snuggled in "mommy's bed - nice" until David got up about 8:15. She lounged with some cartoons after breakfast while Ben and I finished turning our apples into applesauce. Sara loves Super Why! She also loves pulling up a chair to help Mom cook. She ran back and forth and was the official applesauce taster. "This batch good, Daddy! So good!"
I showed Ben my mom superpowers by getting them both to nap at the same time after lunch. After naps, we went to Crane Orchards for some fall fun. We were supposed to meet the Life Groups from church, but we were delayed by poopy diapers and missed the meeting time. Sorry everyone, we looked but never found you!
Sara had her first cider donut. Her first bite was just a suspicious nibble. But then she gave a huge grin and stuffed the rest of the piece in her mouth. "So good!" she yelled with a crumby grin. We ate while we waited to get on the hayride. Sara loved the straw. She played tea party with piles of straw. What a toddler imagination she has! She also loved looking at Hutchins Lake and riding through the orchards. "See apple trees, Mommy!" David slept in the snuggly the entire time. He was warm with a dry diaper and a full tummy. What else could a baby want?
When we got home, Dad made dinner. That is, we went to Russ's. Sara got a real glass of water and a grilled cheese sandwich. She is still happy about her glass with a straw. She really did OK with it. She only got a little damp and was dried off by the time we left. I'm still not ready to give her anything beside water in a glass, though. I clean up enough messes as it is!
We took a walk to the park when we got home. Sara had some excess energy to burn. She took her dolly with so she could swing and slide too. She loves the monkey bars and is learning to climb way to high for my comfort.
Bath time is always a Saturday highlight. Sara loves her bath! She runs up to the tub and throws in all her toys. She gets her towel, clean diaper and pjs all lined up. She dances up and down until I get the water running and then runs naked through the hallway yelling "bath splash now! Bath splash now!" Then she helps with Davids bath. I let her wash his toes and tummy. She feels like such a big helper!
Sara had fun in nursery and David slept for most of the morning service today. How nice to have uninterrupted worship! After church we headed to Great Grandma's house to share our donuts and play a little. Sara decided that she didn't need a nap after her big lunch but David took a good afternoon nap.
Sara has been reading books to us rather than getting them read to her. She has been reading her language book today. She was sitting by herself when Ben heard her point to a page and say "Arabic! Na'am!" (Yes in Arabic). "Inuktitut! Ima!" She also knows German, Russian and Japanese. (Ja, Da and Hai). We are very impressed!
We decided to try our luck at church tonight, too. David made it about half way through before he filled a pants and melted down. I spent the last half of the service rocking him in the nursery. But now he's on my lap giving big smiles. Sara is talking to Grandma and Grandpa on the phone and soon it will be time for bedtimes stories and cuddles. Time to get ready for the week!

Friday, October 3, 2008

This picture is deceiving. I think Sara and David made a no sleep pact this morning. Sara took no nap at all. David took cat naps. Mom is tired!
It was cold today but we still got some outdoors time. I bundled them up and let Sara race up and down the sidewalk for a bit. I thought it would tire her out - but no such luck. She does like running "Ready, set, go now!"
Grandma and Aunt Ellen and Andrew came for a little visit this morning. Sara was very excited; she loves playing with her cousins. Ally was hanging out with Grandpa for the morning - Sara is still asking when she gets to see her again.
Sara had her favorite veggie for dinner - "beans green, Mommy! Thank you!" It's funny because she would not touch baby food green beans. David learned to pull the cow toy on his seat and make it play Old MacDonald while we were eating. He was very pleased with himself.
Ben has taken the after dinner shift because I needed a break from the continuous noise. David is snoozing in his seat and Sara is demanding storybooks. She learned the word 'again' from someone and puts it to constant use. "Read new fish again! Read gecko book again! Millions of Cats - again!"
This is a Friday night with kids! I did get to go out -to the grocery store. Now we're hoping they go to bed at a decent time so we can watch America's Toughest Jobs in a quiet house.
Thanks for all the welcome back comments! I like comments, it lets me know that people actually do read what I write and I'm not totally boring. Keep them coming!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What! This used to be about boats! I wonder how long it will take Ben to notice I've taken over his blog address. Since he hasn't updated since March, I figured he wouldn't miss it. I thought about continuing Sara's blog and adding a David blog but that seemed like so much work. And every now and then Ben or I do something blogworthy. So this blog will be about anything and everything concerning the Algera family.

Most of you readers (is there anyone except the grandparents?) know us very well, but I'll start with a short intro.

Ben - Sara calls him daddyman, and that's just what he is. A daddy superhero! He is also an engineer, triathlete, photographer, backpacker and a gadget-buying pack rat (he's been called Joe Campmor). He is my loving husband and I couldn't wish for a better one!

Em - I usually answer to Mommy, mommy, mommy!!!! I'm a mom of two, an ICU nurse, a reader, a cook, a backpacker and a blogger once again.

Sara - Born 10/12/06, she will soon be 2. She is running around constantly and talking up a storm. Much of this blog may end up being about what Sara said and did on any given day. She keeps us smiling! We are learning patience every day as we learn to parent a toddler. She definitely knows her mind!

David - Born 6/25/08, he is just over 3 months old. He still mainly lives for eating, sleeping and pooping but has now added smiling and giggling to his bag of tricks. He also likes to look at mirrors and shadows, shake rattles and watch his sister pull tricks to get him to laugh. He thinks tummy time is a joke since he learned to roll over at the age of 2 weeks. Hopefully he will master the fine art of sleeping through the night before his mommy goes crazy.

That's my family! Let the stories begin!