Monday, July 20, 2009

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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sara and David took a bath together tonight. Sara didn't want a bath, but we persuaded her to jump in with Dave. Much laughing and splashing and cuteness occurred.

I can't seem to get much of a story together tonight, so here are some highlights of the past few days.

On Wednesday we drove down to the beach to watch the sailboats race. They were inshore on Lake Macatawa so we got a good close view. Sara and David loved it.

I worked on Thursday and the kids had a good day with Kim and then Daddy. They were fairly clean when I got home and half ready for bed. Good job, Dad!

Sara has been enjoying "helping" Ben build his boat. Check his blog for current progress and a very cute Sara pic.

David has learned how to give kisses and hugs. His kisses are very slobbery but I love them. He gives a big smile and smacks his mommy! I love getting him out of bed in the morning and getting a morning kiss!

He is also doing very well with crawling, having discovered that he can get around much faster on all fours than by scooting around. He's also working on pulling himself up and taking some steps with someone holding his hand. Tonight he and Sara were dancing together in the kitchen. I couldn't get to the camera fast enough, so you will just have to believe me when I say it was adorable.

The kids are snuggled in bed on this rainy night. Ben and I are watching hockey. The Red Wings are up 5-0 at the moment. Go Wings!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Give me pie!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"I want some too!"

Sara drives the new car

Dad helps Sara plant the garden

Sara makes her own bed

Picnic on the patio

We've been busy! Let me hit the highlights. These are some of the cuter pictures from the last week or so. The kids are keeping us amused and growing up so fast!

Ben ran the Hope Classic on Saturday and ran his fastest 5K ever - 19:35! He was aiming for under 20 minutes so he was really excited.
After the race we went car shopping. We were looking for a car with a little more room than the Altima. We finally bought a car on Monday; a Subaru Forester. Sara thinks it is her own car and likes to sit in the driver's seat. She also likes her new booster car seat and lets David used her old one. I love driving my new car around!

Sara has been saying many funny things. It's amazing to watch her communication skills improve. She tells stories, has full conversations and gives opinions. We've moved from the question and answer stage to the actual conversation stage. I love it!

David finished his physical therapy yesterday. He met all his goals and "graduated"! His crawling improves everyday and he's starting to pull himself up and walk holding onto my hands. He's such a toot. He is very motivated by food, plastic bags and crayons. He fell all over himself trying to get Sara's strawberry pie this evening! She finally gave him a couple small bites. It's so cute to see them interacting with eachother. David isn't just the baby sitting there anymore, he's turning into the little brother.

Sara and I took a walk to the park after Dave fell asleep. Ben stayed back with him and worked on the boat. We had a nice conversation about robins with red breasts and wings. She likes to list things and we made a good list of different kinds of birds. When we cross the street she says "Now we look both ways for cars! No cars! Let's go, Mommy!" At one street there were cars; "One, two cars. Wait for them. Now we go!"

When we got to the park there were a few other kids there. Two brothers came up and asked Sara if she wanted to play tag. "Ask your Mommy if you can play tag!" Sara grinned and said "OK, what's tag?" I told her to go ahead and the boys explained how it works. She really liked running around although she was a little fuzzy on the rules. "I'm it! I run away!"

Sara helped me do some baking today. We made strawberry pie and rhubarb berry jam. She had fun measuring and mixing and tasting. She got her chef hat and apron so she could be a chef just like Chef Pig on Word World. Ben is very happy about my new baking kick. He's going to have to work out a lot to keep up with his calorie intake! Actually, I'm just trying to use up all the rhubarb I picked at Mom's house. Sara will actually eat it raw but the rest of us like it sweetened up a bit.

It's getting late; Ben and I can't believe we're still up. We're getting old! But the kids always wake us up nice and early so we have to grab sleep when we can!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

That's David's happy giggle - "guy, guy, guy!!" I've never heard a baby giggle like that, but it is really cute. He's such a happy dude, and always dimpling at something. Here he is, sitting on his beach chair supervising Daddy's boat building and chatting away.

Ben and the kids had a great Memorial Day; I had to work. I had a good day working and everyone else had a good day together. Ben took the kids to the parade in Jenison. It goes down Baldwin, right near Nate and Ellen's house. The group gathered early and walked down to watch. The kids had a great time. This parade still lets people throw candy and Sara was amazed. They saw Clifford, Curious George, Ronald McDonald, firetrucks, cars and dogs. Sara has been listing the fun things in the parade all day long. She doens't mention the dogs - she is still being afraid of them. After the parade, it was time for lunch and then all the kids took naps together and the adults relaxed. My contribution was a devil's food cake I made for Ben's birthday. He's 31 now!

Sara and David were up early and back to their normal routine today. They have been so amusing! Sara has been explaining camping to David. "We will pack toys and books and food and sleep in a tent and get dirty! We will swim and have a flashlight!" She can't wait. I hope she enjoys the actual camping as much as the talking about it. What's really cute is how she ticks each fun thing off on her fingers as she lists it.

David had his first experience playing on dirt today. He scooted off the blanket in his efforts to get to Sara's pink ball. He was one dirty little dude by the time we came inside to escape the sprinkles! He can't move very fast but he certainly is persistant. He gets to what he wants!

After baths the rain got a little harder and there was some thunder. Sara told me "sometimes it storms in the nighttime and I wake up. But the thunder does not come in my bed so I just go to sleep. Sometimes I find mommy if it does. I think I will be OK tonight." Since things have calmed down, I think she will be. She also worries about David a little; "you need to check on Davy if it is loud tonight, OK? He might be scared. Maybe he should have Dolly tonight." I reassured her that he would be fine and I'll keep an ear out for him.

What a fun day. I'm sure I'll have more quotes by tomorrow. And David should be warming up to some new tricks soon!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Oh dear. Dave is mobile. This causes much glee on David's part and much angst on Sara's. "Davey is in my STUFF! Mommy! Help!!" Yes, its true! Dave has learned to crawl. It's still a mix of crawl/hitch/scoot, but he's getting where he wants to go. Way to go little man! He scoots himself all over the rug. The floor is a little harder because he loses traction with each forward movement. But now that he's got the forward motion figured out I'm sure his crawling abilities will improve rapidly. Time to check the baby-proofing!

David had therapy today and Sara went to Allison's house. They had fun playing. Ellen says it's pretty funny to listen to the kids playing together. They really have a great time. Dave did well at therapy and didn't even get to fussed.

After short naps we went to visit Great Grandma. She's finally feeling a little better and was glad to see all the grandkids. Dave showed off his crawling attempts and the older kids gave hugs and hung out. David really eyes the cookies he sees everyone munching on. Soon you will have enough teeth to get one, Dude!

After dinner Sara helped me make cinnamon rolls for Ben's birthday treat for work tomorrow. She likes to measure and mix and especially to punch down the dough after it rises. She packs a pretty good punch for a two year old! This is the first time I've fridged them overnight, so I hope they turn out well.

David went to bed after that and Sara and I had a girl picnic for bedtime snack. We made lemonade with ice and sat out on the patio chairs. I showed her how to do a toast; she calls it "knocking sippys." We chatted and played some catch until she started to get sleepy.

Sara got a package from Grandpa Algera that had a new bedtime story in it! She was so excited to get an envelope with "my own name! See! S-A-R-A! That means it is mine!" It's the story of the Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge. She loves it. Thanks Grandpa! She got some pictures of Grandpa by the lighthouse on the Hudson and has to have them with her when she reads her book. She wants to go see this lighthouse for herself "some soon day with Grandpa"

I got her into bed and quick finished up the rolls. Dave started bawling towards the end of the job. I let him watch Daddy boat build for a bit and then tucked him back in. Both kids are sleeping comfortably now that the air conditioning is running. They were both unsettled and I finally noticed that the house temp was 80 degrees. Too hot! It was really warm today. I'm finding that I don't have enough summer clothes to keep from doing kid laundry every other day. Time to find some deals!

It's been a good day. I'm so glad David is learning to move. He gets so frustrated when he can't get where he wants to be. Go Davey, keep it up! He's a happy dimple face through it all. Oh, he learned another trick today too, speaking of happy flirt faces. He waved bye-bye to his therapists. He tried waving to Grandma but just ended up staring at his hands. It's very cute and I'm sure he'll master it so we can catch some major cute video soon. He's such a little man!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Go fly a kite

It felt like mid summer here today! We took advantage of the great weather for a trip to the beach after Ben got home. We had a picnic dinner which Sara loved. "We are having a picnic! It's the best way to have dinner!" Then we went to watch the boats and fly Sara's kite on the beach along the channel. There were plenty of boats for Sara to wave at and Dave seemed to have fun discovering sand. Sara ran around wearing herself out.

After a quick stop to Target for Tylenol and baby wipes, it was time for baths. Sara has started to get terribly upset when she has to get washed up. I'm not sure why. She just sobs when she sees the soap. I managed to get her cleaned up and into her clean nightgown. Then she let me brush her hair and help brush her teeth with no complaints. I can't figure this out, but I suppose this will probably pass in time. Dave does not have this problem; he loves his bath. He splashes and giggles and has a great time. Ben noted that I looked more soaked than Dave after that bath was done.

David is still up rolling around on the rug. He's been a little crabby and sick today. Tylenol and cuddling seem to put him right, but I'm giving him a helmet break for a bit and letting him just lay and snuggle his fuzzy blankie. He's such a laid back little man.

Just got Dave to bed with his blankie and thumb in mouth. Ben is out working on the boat and I'm listening to the Tigers on the radio/watching the score online. And as I type that I see that the game finished while I was up tucking Dave in. The Tigers are on a roll! I hear a few babbles from upstairs, but it's mostly quiet. I'm so glad both kids have the ability to put themselves to sleep, it makes bedtime so much easier.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Warming up!

The weather is starting to get more and more summerlike here! The kids love it. Sara doesn't like to come inside at all. We ate lunch at her picnic table and read books on the backyard chairs. She did come in for a short nap.

David is just discovering the fun of outdoors. He mostly likes to tackle Sara, point at birds and just yell a lot at everything.

We unpacked our new tent last night. It's great, especially since it only cost ten dollars! It's very roomy and the kids love playing in it. Hopefully they will like our camping trips this summer. We're hoping to go up to Sleeping Bear Dunes in July. Sara has been telling Dave all about camping and how fun it is. I don't know how much she remembers or is making up, but it's really cute.

Another cute Sara thing I have to get written down: when ever she doesn't want to do something she says "That's OK, I'll be all right." Example; Mom says "You need to put your jacket and shoes on to go outside." "No, Mommy, that's OK, I'll be all right." She never wins, but she'll keep trying. She'd run naked if I let her.

We had a very summery night tonight. Sara discovered sweet corn on the cob for dinner. She loved eating from the ear. Then Dad and kids ran outside while I cleaned up. We listened to the Tigers game on the radio and then Ben went out to work on the boat. David is still up, he feels a little warm and has a nasty cough starting. Hopefully this is nothing...he'll just need a little mommying for the next day or so.

Friday, May 15, 2009

This and that

We've been spending these spring days hanging out at home, for the most part. No big happenings. The kids love playing with each other - I love the picture of David giving hugs to Sara in the laundry basket. Doing laundry with two helpers is almost a futile effort. Dave has discovered the fun of messing up piles. Sara eggs him on; "Go Davey, throw the socks!"

Sara loves being able to be outside more often. Her sidewalk chalk is almost gone, helped out by me driving over it one evening. She likes hopscotch and random running around the house. She really likes Grandma and Grandpa's big backyard and going to pick rhubarb in the neighbors garden "just like Peter Rabbit!" David likes to sit on his blanket, rolling around and attempting to crawl and just babbling at the world.

Dave had a doctors appointment bright and early this morning. He needed a reweigh after not gaining a whole lot of weight between 6 and 9 months. I think this was mostly due to him being sick with no appetite the week before his 9 month appointment. He definitly made up ground this month, packing on a pound and a half to bring him up to 17 pounds 14 ounces. He is a bottomless pit with a wide open mouth and loves his food.

Our big project today was a "big cave" for Sara. Every kid needs a sheet and blanket fort! David was not allowed in her "own cozy bear cave". I was allowed in for the sole purpose of book reading and then I was thrown out.

In the afternoon Sara and I baked a rhubarb pie. We snitched rhubarb from Steve and Lauren's backyard. They've moved, but said we could raid their garden. I've never made anything from rhubarb before, but Sara sucked down a small piece and proclaimed "This is so yummy pink pie! It's my favorite." Ben says it's excellent, although there are very few baked goods he does not love.

Right now Ben is being tackled by both kids. David is crawling up and over Daddy and Sara is zerberting his stomach. There is a whole lot of giggling going on. Dave is the cutest happy baby and he is always happy when he's getting into things.

Ha ha!!! Ben just lost some poop roulette. Those giggles were actually signaling a blowout. I'm watching the haz-mat operation from afar. Dave is having teething diapers and plenty of them. He just attempted to escape from Daddy with his little bare buns in the air, but Daddy is onto his tricks and he is safely covered up now. Ben even managed to save the pjs!

Ben has been making very good progress on the boat. Check out his blog for some updated pics! Hopefully we'll be on the water by mid summer.

I nearly forgot last Saturday's happenings! How could I say that we have no news? Ben ran the rerouted, cold and rainy River Bank Run in 1:58:38, meeting his goal of under 2 hours. He was thrilled, and still had enough energy to take the kids to the parade downtown. Sara jumped up and down most of the time because she was so excited to see floats, bands and horses. David fell asleep halfway through. He really can sleep through anything.

It's time to get the kids ready for bed. I suppose I should help Ben out and get Davids last tanking up in. He eats a bowl of cereal and nurses for bedtime snack. Last night he consumed two bowls for Grandma and then proceeded to sleep through the night. Maybe I'll try that tonight, or maybe it's just the special Grandma touch. If that's the case, you should come over every night, Mom!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hopping along

It was a great day for playing outside! Sara flew her kite and was very excited about it. I got it flying and then handed her the string. "I'm doing it! I'm doing it!" David was pretty excited about it too. We heard lots of "guy guy guy"ing. That's his excited noise, accompanied by much pointing and waving.

Sara heard the ice cream truck while we were out there. She loves the "music truck" She hears it, runs out into the yard looking for it and yells "here boy, here boy!" Did you know that trucks come when they're called just like dogs? She never begs for ice cream and I'm not sure she even knows you can get ice cream from it. She just likes the tunes, and the fact that the driver says hello to her on the speaker.

We played some hopscotch after David went in for his nap. She does get it but after a few times through she just started skipping and running. Watch and see!

David is getting so close to crawling! He gets his little butt up in the air, balancing on his hands and feet. Ben calls it his plank position. Sara calls it his good pushups. "Good pushups, good job Davey. Work it out!" Just this afternoon he got up on all fours and moved his hand forward before face planting. I think he's getting it. Go Davey, work it out! He really wants to be moving so he can get into stuff. I hear lots of guy guying when he gets to junk mail or the letter blocks. I hope he figures it out soon

It's Tulip Time! And that means time to dress the kids up and head downtown for pictures, dancers and elephant ears. Sara loves getting into her dancing dress and going to smell the flowers. Four tourist ladies had taken the kids pictures within 15 minutes of getting them out of the stroller. This just confirms our belief that we have the cutest kids ever :) They were happy and happy to pose for Daddy. This picture of Sara is similar to a pose from last year; I can't believe how much she's grown! She's turning into a little lady. David just liked flashing those dimples and watching dogs and people.

We went to Froggy's for dinner. Sara really enjoyed her hot dog, eaten plain. David tried a few fries, but found them hard to chew with only two teeth. That didn't stop him from gumming and drooling until he got it down. We visited the junk food carts for elephant ears for dessert. Such a healthy meal! Sara loves elephant ears, we had to spell them until we were ready to buy one.

We stopped at Sandcastle to find Sara a kite. She's so excited! I hope the wind picks up a little so we can fly it. Last night was pretty calm but Ben still took it out for her and ran around to make it fly. She's very excited, even though we could not find a pink shark kite to name Bruce after the Finding Nemo shark. (Remember, fish are friends, not food!)

We ran into Uncle Paul and Aunt Donna, Phil, Paula and Lawrence while waiting for the Dutch Dancing in Centennial Park. Sara sat by Aunt Donna while Ben and I took turns rocking a tired boy. Lawrence looked so cute all dressed up, but he and Sara were beyond the mood to pose by that time.

It's a cloudy day today, but the wind is picking up a little. We might go to the park and try to fly that kite!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sara got a treat tonight - a Burger King kids meal with Pink Panther shades as the toy. Does life get any better than pink glasses and chicken nuggets?

We picked up fast food so that we could get to Grand River Park and meet the paddlers doing the Ultimate Hugh Heward Challenge - a paddle from Detroit to Chicago. We managed to get there just minutes before they did and were able to hand over some banana bread and chat for a bit. I just wanted to say "here are the keys to the car, I'll take that canoe from here!" Ah well. Maybe next year. Getting to the boat launch was slightly complicated by the overflowed river. Ben got brave and waded in only to discover that the big lake over the road was really only ankle deep. We were able to drive along the road, but the boardwalk was cut off by thigh deep water. We've had an amazing amount of rain lately. But today ended up bright and sunshiny, just right for a small adventure.

Sara was hoping she would see a pink boat. I told her that those are really rare, but we will keep our eyes peeled! Ben says he will buy her a pink paddle when she is big enough to use one. She loves pink.

One other story related to the banana bread. Sara would like everyone to know that she made it all by herself. She did help. Today she was "reading" one of my cookbooks and telling me how to make her favorite dishes. David was cheering her on whenever she said "and then we eat it!" For example - here is Sara's chicken pot pie. "It has chicken bits, salt, corn and pepper. You sprinkle the salt and shake the pepper. Then you put it in a hot oven and bake it until it is yummy. Then you put it on the table to cool and then you eat it all up!" She had similar instructions for banana bread, cinnamon bread, pizza and cookies. She's pretty observant.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Watch Sara run her race! It's an action shot, so forgive the crazy angles; Ben did his best following a randomly moving target!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sara ran a real race today! She did one lap around the indoor track at Calvin's new fieldhouse for the Family Fun Run. She got her own race number and race shirt and thought that she was the biggest girl ever. "I got a shirt and a number! I'm a real racer. I'm like Daddy!" She got to pick up her race packet and then we walked around campus to see what had changed since we were there. Ben and I graduated 9 years ago, can you believe it? The new fieldhouse is amazing. It's huge! We showed David and Sara where Mom and Dad lived and ate and went to school. Sara was impressed. David just blew gazoos.

There were games for the kids before their race, and Sara loved the parachute game. She ran under it and did her jellybean dance. Thanks for teaching her that, Grandma! When the race actually started she had a hard time focusing on running in a straight line, but eventually figured it out and finished about 5 kids from the back of the pack. Hopefully she'll fix that by the time she runs for the Calvin track team :) Ben got some cute video of her racing, I have it up on Facebook.

David and Sara were both very talkative on the drive home. They make each other laugh when they ride in their car seats. Our trip was a little longer since we got a flat tire just before the Zeeland exit. Ben worked his amazing manly skills to fix it before the kids even got too upset. We ate lunch, then Ben went to get the tire replaced. I got a nap in with the kids and Ben got to work on his boat for a while while a big spring storm rolled through. Dave must have been really tired because he didn't react to the thunder at all.

It's still rainy and rumbling outside. David is sleeping and Sara is snuggling Daddy in her heart pjs. Thanks for the hand-me-down, Allison! "These are my heart pjs, from Asilon!" Silly kid.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

It was a summer like day today - warm and sunny. We took the kids to the Meijer Gardens. They had a great time. It was amazingly crowded in the butterfly conservatory and the childrens garden so we spent most of our time in the Farm Garden and the Woodland Shade Garden. Sara did get a chance to play tea party in the tree house and sail a toy boat, though. David got to splash his feet in the Great Lakes. The water was a little cold, so he would pull his foot out as soon as he stuck it in, pause for a minute and then put his foot back in and giggle. Both kids enjoyed sitting on the farmhouse porch and rocking. Sara loves the farm, especially the old barn. She ran all over in her new racing shoes and cried when we started to head back to the entrance. "No, I stay by butterflies and tea party all day! Please!" Both kids fell asleep soon after we started driving home. I'll update Flickr soon so you can check out the cuteness.

After we left the gardens we went to pick up the plywood for Ben's canoe. We made it to Johnson's Workbench minutes before they closed. Ben got his wood and is very excited to start building. Go check out his boatbuilding blog!

Bedtime was a little hard tonight because they were both worn out. But they are both snoozing away now. Ben and I are watching the first Harry Potter movie and unwinding.

Friday, April 17, 2009

It was a beautiful spring day today and the kids took full advantage of the sunshine. "Oh Mom! The sun came out to make me happy! Davey, we can be outside today!" Sara still put on her hat and coat and was suspicious of my assurances she did not need them. Two minutes outside and they were laying on the driveway.

Sara brought all her books and favorite toys outside on the patio. She read, colored, kicked, threw and caught all her balls and just ran around being happy. I have lots of grass stains and dirt to get out of her jeans! But it's worth it. I did have to go buy her new shoes tonight. Her old ones are so worn out they fall off when she runs. "Mommy, my shoes came off! I'm helpless! Fix it please!" I got her some lace up tennis shoes. I can't wait to show them to her tomorrow morning.

David came out after his nap. He had fun finishing off Sara's snack at the picnic table and sitting in the grass playing with a soccer ball. He was very talkative and happy watching and pointing at the birds.

Sara and I made a cake for Ben from scratch! It's pretty good, but I think I'll try a new recipe next time. The frosting turned out a little dry but after some doctoring looks pretty decent. Sara got to lick the beaters and made a huge mess of her face and hair.

Both kids were in serious need of a bath before bedtime. They're both sound asleep now and hopefully they will stay that way. I made a quick Target run and Ben loaded up the truck for the Project Pride dump. We have a big day planned for tomorrow and the weather is supposed to be wonderful again. We are planning to go to the Meijer Gardens and then to pick up plywood for the canoe Ben is building. Should be a great Saturday!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ben here...

Emily is working, so I have the kids for the afternoon and evening.  Since it is such a beautiful day, I took the Sara and David for a walk after dinner.  For Sara, this is a training run / walk.  Next weekend (April 25) we are 'running' in the Calvin Classic 1k Fun Run, and Sara needs to get in shape!  For me, this was another oportunity to play with my new GPS.  I logged our walk and uploaded it to Google Maps; see below:

View Walk in a larger map

Some other vital statistics:
Total Distance:  0.56 miles
(Sara quit and sat down after 0.5 miles, so I carried her the rest of the way)
Top speed:  4.4 MPH (I'm not kidding!!)
Moving Average: 2.4 MPH
Trip Average: 1.8 MPH 

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm just typing as she talks/sings:

"playing the piano da da da in my hiding spot....I am playing the ladybug song Laaaaddddy buuuuuggg da da da....the ladybug goes flit flit, the dolphin goes splashy splash in the salty sea la la la la..."

"I play like Beethoven"

" I need some lemonade for my throat to keep going now"

"all night long I sing at the zoo, play with me la la la goo goo goo..."

"I will bring my lemonade in here, no, that's really silly"

"Oh Mommy, I will not spill, that would be naughty!"

Dave is singing now too - "agaaaaa gaaaa maaaaa maaaa"

Unintelligible singing to the tune of Rock a Bye Baby

"I take a picture of you, Mommy, because you are pretty! Cheese for me! That's cute"

"How do I turn this off? Silly camera. Want to fix it Mom?"

" Battery is dead? I know where to find more Mom. Here you go!"

"My camera is not a real one , I want real one to work!"

"Oh can we have lunch? Banana and cheese with milk?"

"Oh the sun came out to make me happy! It is far away up in the sky but it will make me warm"

"My lunch! Thank you, so good cheese. Carrots are good for my eyes!"

I might continue this later, but for now we have to eat some so good lunch.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

David is now a champion speed roller! He thinks it's a lot of fun, too. Lots of giggles and squeals when he gets moving. He rolled from the couch to the kitchen table this morning when I was upstairs getting Sara moving. But the funniest thing was when he got himself stuck under the couch while I was getting Sara on the potty. There he sat, chatting away on his tummy and chewing his thumb with his whole body except for his head under the couch. I got a big dimply grin when I came to save him.

We went to the library today so Ben and I could get a break from Ping Pong Pig and Gladys Goes Out to Lunch. We replaced them with Big Al and Cock a Doodle Quack Quack. Sara loves the library because she can do puzzles and say hi to the turtles. She likes to carry her own books and hand them over to be checked out herself. While I was picking through the new book shelf she sat in the chairs and read her books to herself in a whisper after I told her she had to be quiet in the library. I can't believe how well behaved she is when we go out to do errands. Now that I've written that she'll probably hit her two year old stride, but I'm just so proud of her.

Sara got her hair cut today and thinks she is a very beautiful girlie. She was so solemn sitting in the chair that she looked like a whole different girl than my little chatterbox. But she gave a grin at the end when we told her what a pretty girl she was. She chattered away about her most beautiful bangs in the car. "What you think David? I pretty?"

Right now I'm hearing singing from upstairs. I thought I had two sleeping children, but apparently not. Ben went up to listen at her door. She's in bed but the lights are on. Ben couldn't tell what she was singing but she sounded happy so we're ignoring her for the moment. It's hard, she's so cute! I bought a night light shaped like a little lampshade for her and she thinks it's the best part of her room. "Thank you Mommy, it is my own little light for bedtime! It will make it nice!"

David did well with his first night and full day in his helmet. He really does seem to be forgetting about it and going about his business. His teeth seem to be bugging him the most. Drool and chew, drool and chew. But all with a smile!

Ben and I are watching The Biggest Loser and getting a little nighttime clean up done. I suppose I should go check on Sara since I don't hear anymore chattering. It was a busy but very fun day!

10:44 update: I checked on Sara; she turned her lights off and tucked herself back into bed. Her books were off the shelf and stacked at the foot of the bed and she had her junk mail catalogs in bed with her. I think she just wasn't quite ready to sleep when we put her to bed!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Random posting

So here's a picture of sad little Dude. He did not have such a good therapy appointment today. All he wanted to do was hug Mommy and suck his thumb but Mommy and his therapist wanted him to roll and bounce. He did OK for a bit and then melted into a sobbing heap. He gets the biggest tears rolling down his little fat cheeks. We cuddled a bit and then headed to Ellen's house where he slept all morning except for one eating break. When he woke up he was much happier and played all afternoon. He's learned how to roll to get wherever he wants and rolled all the way across Sara's room so he could play in the pile of laundry. Ben said he probably would have headed down the hall but he stopped him because he was afraid he'd go down the stairs.

Sara had a fun day playing with Andrew. They both love to play catch, color and read books. They both get the giggles when you read The Pigeon Has Feelings Too! You're looking at one happy bird! Happy, happy happy!! She has also been singing the Butterfly Song. It involves the word butterfly, lots of garbled singing and arm waving. She wanted Ben to sing it with her but he was mystified by the lyrics.

Sara funny of the day: While enjoying her chicken and broccoli, she stopped suddenly and said "Excuse me!" We asked why. She grinned and let out a very loud burp. "That's why! I'm excused!" It seems some more manners education may be necessary.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sara was so excited today: we went back to see the butterflies! And Grandma and Grandpa came along! How could it get any better? When we pulled into the Gardens she started laughing and pointing "we are at the butterflies! How super fun! To the butterflies!" She grabbed Grandma's hand and headed for the door while we slow people got David out of the car and bundled into his stroller. She got her own guidebook and walked through the conservatory saying "I will find that one in my book now" and then pointing to a completely random picture. She lasted a little over an hour before she wanted to run and have a snack.

I love this picture of David and Sara. David looked around and giggled when a few butterflies came over by him. There were a lot more out than there were two weeks ago. He was content to take it in while being held by whoever's arms were the least tired. He's getting big!

In other David news, he has figured out how to go from sitting to tummy so that he can scoot over to toys. Today the favorite target was his Jack in the box. The giggles he gives when he succeeds are so cute! He did well with his helmet training today - 2 hours on then 1 hour off. He didn't seem to mind the on/off process as much as yesterday.

This afternoon turned into a beautiful spring day. David and I took a nap while Ben and Sara worked in the yard. Sara is so glad to be able to be outside. We took a walk after dinner and she wanted out of the stroller to "run fast myself!" She probably ran half a mile and we were walking pretty fast to keep up with her. It's so fun to watch her toddler run ahead of us, waving her arms, yelling and giggling. She fell once and immediatly announced "I'm OK! I'll keep running!" David rode in the stroller looking at all the barking dogs and chewing at his teething toy. Poor guy. He really seems to relax in the stroller so I'm glad we can get out more often now. I bet that he will love the beach as much as Sara does! We don't dare say the word beach to her unless we really are going out there.

After the walk we did baths and bedtime. Both kids went to sleep right at their bedtimes, all worn out. We're hoping for a good night from the teething one!

Friday, March 20, 2009

March has been a busy busy month so far. These are my favorite shots of David with his big and sometimes naughty grin. Last week I got that Dutch costume for Tulip Time - isn't he the cutest little Dutchman? I think the hat is the best part.

We had a short stretch of really warm weather and the kids lived outside for a couple of days. It makes for good sleep at night, or it would if David was not teething. Sara loves running around and playing catch. She tried to teach David but "Davey is not a very good catcher."

David also started his helmet therapy for the flat spot on the back of his head. We got it fitted today and he is on a getting used to it schedule. By Tuesday he will be wearing it 23 hours per day and will wear it for 4-6 months. Hopefully that will round him out nicely. He is also getting some physical therapy mainly for his neck, shoulder and arm muscles. He is doing very well with that and started rolling over and scooting for toys this afternoon! Way to go Dave! The therapy wears him out so he has been eating ravenously and sleeping as well as his teeth will let him. We'll do this for 6 weeks and I think he'll be up to speed by then. Having mastered rolling, we are now working on getting up on his hands and knees. Soon he'll be running with Sara! He's such a good little dude about the whole process.

Ben made supper tonight by going to Village Inn. Mmmmmm, pepperoni and green pepper hand tossed crust pizza. Sara loves it as much as we do. Dave grabbed for it but was denied. I do let him eat soft table foods like potato, applesauce, yogurt or Cheerios. Every now and then I catch Sara trying to feed him her lunch. I should let him try chewing some toast or crackers and see how he does with it. I remember being so nervous when Mom fed Sara a graham cracker at 8 months old. Now I just let Sara hand him one to see what he would do. Mostly, he just made a big drooly mess but he seemed to like it!

Both kids went to bed with no protest tonight and I think I'm going to follow their lead and curl up with a book. Ben got a sailing adventure story from the library (can't think of the title at the moment) and I've gotten into it. A quiet house is a nice change from the way things usually are.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sorry these pictures are a little late. We took the kids to "Night of the Butterflies" at the Meijer Gardens last Thursday. We all had a great time! Sara loved the butterflies that "come on my nose!" One flew in her face and her night was made. She had her own flashlight and ran around "finding just another one, Mommy!" There were snacks and a drum band that let the kids play on the drums. Sara got her picture taken with "fluttery bugs" and got a ladybug tattoo. David rode in the stroller giggling and babbling. We finished off the night with a tram ride highlighted by David's major stinky diaper. We were glad it was warm enough to have the windows open our our fellow passengers might have tossed us off the train!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

That's what Sara asked me today - "Is it warm time yet, Mom? I have my sunhat, we need to go to beach and swim. I will get Mommy's sunhat too!" So here we are, wearing our sun hats and ready for the beach. Except that it is 20 degrees outside, definitly not warm time yet. My hat is the one I wore paddling the Upper Delaware River and hiking through the Grand Canyon and I get the urge to wander adventurously whenever I put it on.

We had a good Saturday even though David is still coughing and sneezing. Sara has learned how to wipe his nose with a Kleenex. "You sneezy, Davey, I clean your nose!" He prefers my gentle wipe to Sara's face scrubbing. We had to ask her to just wipe her dolly's nose for now.

Dave officially has a tooth now! It is just poking out on his bottom gum. He doesn't really like people sticking their fingers in there to check it out, but he doesn't have enough teeth to bite back yet! It's time for me to start buying Tylenol in bulk again. I'll try to get a picture sometime soon when he's in a better mood. He still looks pretty miserable and just needed to cuddle today. However, he did sleep ALL NIGHT LONG!!! last night! I woke up at 6:30 feeling far to rested. I'm 95% sure he slept all night, I have a nagging feeling that I did get up and just don't remember. Ben thinks I'm losing it, but I have perfected the art of feeding David without really becoming concious. It is a little scary now that I think about it. But how else can you survive the sleepless baby days?

Both kids went to bed early tonight and Ben is out playing broomball. I'm sitting in an unnaturally quiet house sipping my hot chocolate and blogging. What a nice break. Just typing that sentence made me feel relaxed. I'm internet planning some wishful thinking vacations - Grand Canyon hikes, canoe trips, tropical locations... I can dream! This may be related to the hat coming out of the closet today! Hopefully the kids will be good outdoors loving troopers and we can haul them all over the National Parks. Ben will promise to read the maps correctly and I will promise not to spill the food. It will be fun!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

David was a sick toot today. Look at that drooly, snotty, teary face! He tried hard to play and be happy but really just wanted to be held and cuddled. He's also cutting his first tooth and not to happy about it. After lots of love and Tylenol he's finally sleeping. Of course, its thundering so hard that the windows are shaking so that may not last so long. I'm just waiting to hear "Mommy, Mommy!" or "wah wah wah!"

We had a laid back day since neither Ben or I had to work. I got the grocery shopping done and Ben and Sara got to Menards. Sara loves riding with Daddy in his truck to do errands. And when she got back she yelled "Mommy, I'm home!" I quoted some Princess Bride to her the other day and now she likes to say "Have fun storming the castle!" when ever Ben or I leave. Oops!

We're really proud of Sara tonight, though! She went on the potty again and got a toy ice cream cone for telling me she had to go! Way to go Sara!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sara had a "super fun!" day today! Ben is home for his week of "vacation" so we decided to do something fun this morning. We got off to a leisurely start and then headed out to the Grand Rapids Public Museum. I was afraid Sara might be a little too young to appreciate it but she had a great time exploring the place. Her favorite thing was the big whale skeleton, or "big fish bones." It brought back memories for me of the old museam on Jefferson! They even kept some of the "Michigan habitat" dioramas - remember those from school field trip days? Sara loved driving the little tractor, trying to lift the big rock, seeing the old GR street and riding the bicycle and the streetcar. She got a bookmark from the print shop and cards from the furniture exhibit. David rode in the stroller and was happy for over two hours, so he must have enjoyed it too. He giggled and looked around. Both kids loved their carousel ride and were ready for a nap by the time we left.

We had a relaxing afternoon and Ben did laundry for me! It was necessary because of the huge blowout David achieved while sitting on my lap. Ben heard it from across the room. Sara giggled "David tooted out loud!" And I got to clean up the smears of poop and the diaper full of poop in a blast pattern. Ben was so proud of his little man.

We went to 8th St Grille to round out this red letter day. We decided to make this the fun day since I'm working much of the rest of the week. Sara enjoyed her grilled cheese and sneaking sips of my iced tea. "Mommy's juice" was so much better than her water!

Nate and Ellen and the kids came over to return Ben's bike tonight. Sara jumped up and down on the couch when she saw Allison and Andrew getting out of the truck. The kids enjoyed ripping around and then having a cookie snack. It was good to see you all! You can go visit Ellen's new blog by clicking on the link for "The Pastoors" Maybe my advertising here will get her to start posting!

The kids are sleeping now and Ben is getting ready to watch 24. I'm enjoying my clean kitchen and messing around on the computer. It's been fun! I hope you enjoy my slideshow that I set up ALL BY MYSELF. No Ben instructions needed. I feel like a big girl now :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Close ups

Ben was playing with his new lens (50 mm plus extension tube) last night and took these cute closeups. He'll probably have more posted to his photo blog. I'm so glad he got a shot of David and his thumb and Sara with a crayon - so typical of them both! Sara was extremely hard to photograph as she would not hold still for more than 5 seconds!

Sara funny of the day: After being told that carrots are good for your eyes she attempted to stick one in her eye. Oh the literal mind of a toddler.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I just can't believe how old David seems. He's growing like a weed! He likes to sit and play with Sara and only occasionally tips over when he gets too excited. I like the picture of shirtless baby; Ben told him that chicks dig a man with no shirt. I just like the baby belly. It's so kissable! I'm sure he'll love the bathtub pic when he's older too. And just look at him learning to play Legos with Dad and Sara!
We had a great weekend. We got together with the college roommates on Saturday. The adults still outnumber the kids - but only barely. Brand new baby Jack Becksvoort was there - were my kids ever that small? He's adorable. Sara had fun playing with everyone. All the way there she said "I'm going to a party!" and all the way home she said "I like parties, I was at a party!" Thanks Nate and Melissa for letting us all invade your house!
We visited Great Grandma after church on Sunday. Sara was so excited to see Allison and Andrew now that they are both feeling better. They played hard and ate cake. We went home for lunch and changing and then went to tour the new Haunstein Center and the new critical care unit we're moving into. It's a beautiful building! Sara liked seeing Mommy's work and getting a cookie. She thinks that work means you go somewhere and get candy or cookies because thats what happens every time she goes to JCI or Saints. David was a good sleeper at first and then woke up to see the sights. He was happy and smiling and I was so glad I had well behaved children so Ben and I could really explore the place. The big move starts next week. I really hope I don't get called off this week because I would like at least one more shift on the old unit. Oh the memories!
The kids were pretty well behaved if slightly clingy today. Sara played nicely with David and helped me make dinner in the crock pot. I chopped, she dumped. I picked David up afterwards and he did not enjoy slobbering onion-y hands. His face was priceless!
Sara got a Valentine card from Grandma Algera today. She's still trying to comprehend the mysteries of the post office but was excited to get mail to open. "Oh Mommy, I got a card! From Grandma! It's so cute, I hug it. And kisses too!" Every so often she would say "Oh, where my card? There it is! I read it again."
David is widening his horizons of fruits and vegetables. Bananas, sweet potatoes and carrots are now acceptable foods. And rice cereal with mixed fruit is almost as much of a hit as cereal with apples. I think he'll be able to start finger foods as soon as he figures out that he can shovel stuff into his mouth and chew. Teeth might help with that.
Both kids are sleeping now and I should be getting stuff together for tomorrow. I'm working so I like to have everything organized for the kids before I go to bed. Ben is watching 24, his one TV addiction and picking up toys during the commercials. The toys are beginning to take over around here - but we try!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Reason 462..

Yes, reason 462 to have kids -the excuse to play Nerf football in the living room. Sara needs to gain a little weight before she'll be an effective blocker. But she knows how to do a touchdown dance!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I love this picture of David. It shows how excited he gets over his cereal. Veggies are still somewhat suspect, but rice cereal with apples is the highlight of his mealtimes! Ben calls this his bird mouth and Sara says "Davey is open wide!"
We had a wonderful, warm day here with high temperatures near 60! It was sunny and felt like spring. "I hear birdies, see mouses Mommy!" Mouses are squirrels; we don't have any resident rodents that I know of. Maybe she is seeing something I don't? Our kitty has been gone for seven months now.
Grandma and Grandpa came over for a visit today and Sara is still excited. Grandpa played catch with her. She's discovered a new favorite game. "I catch and kick and throw!" I think she'll be an athlete someday. I got a good amount of housework done while Dad watched the kids and Mom helped with the laundry. Thanks Mom!
Sara had a great dinner tonight. Chicken pot pie! When I put the plate in front of her, she checked it out and then squealed "Look, chicken bits! Pot pie is so yummy." I think she might have eaten more than I did!
Hopefully tomorrow will have some sun, since we hear that the cold weather is heading back this way. It's been wonderful!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Do you still recognize these cuties? It's been so long since I last posted. We've been pretty busy and worn out from lack of sleep. Fortunatly we have all been healthy and happy and just hanging out through the cold and gray days of late January and early February. Maybe I'm feeling more communicative because the last few days have been sunny and warmer. As Sara said "The sun came out to make me happy!"

This picture of Sara is her spring dress and shoes. Ellen found it for her last year, and guessed the size about right. She calls it her dancing dress and pretty shoes. She is such a girl! Even at two she likes shoes, dresses, hair bows and makeup. She got to watch Grandma and Mom try out Mary Kay makeup last week. She sat in her chair for 45 minutes with her own brushes making herself beautiful. She's still talking about it. Ben just shakes his head and is glad that David is a boy.

David has been a happy drooler. He soaks his clothes and bibs! When is that tooth going to show? His newest favorite trick is grabbing at faces and giving hugs. If he's hungry he'll chew at my chin. And of course, this is all accompanied by huge belly laughs. He loves sitting on Sara's bed listening to her read books and loves when she pats his back and tickles his tummy. I've given him some bath books to chew on and he flips the pages like he really knows what he's doing.

I took Sara to the library on Saturday. She was so excited to see the turtles and fish that live on the children's floor. But when she got up there she saw all the books and the turtles were forgotton. "So many books! Whose books?" When I told her she could pick two books to borrow she headed right for the shelf and started choosing. I'm already sick of reading "Stuck in the Mud". She already has it memorized! I hope she will understand that these books have to go back.

Sara has been feeding us such delicious dishes such as pancakes with special butter, pizza with "all the fixings", alphabet soup (David's favorite according to her) and happy birthday cake with peanut butter frosting. That kitchen was the best gift for her! What an imagination she has!

I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of small happenings. I'll try to stay a little more caught up!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

We're having a fun weekend in frigid Traverse City! Ben ran the Bigfoot Boogie snowshoe race this morning in below zero windchills. I decided to keep my sleepy, sneezy and teething children inside instead of being a spectator. He finished in 1:13:57, fourth place in the 30-35 age group and good enough to win an official Bigfoot Boogie coffee mug! To all our running friends - who wants to join in next year?

We had a very nice drive up here while the kids napped. It got a little snowy and we had an interesting spin down the driveway of the grocery store. Sara had a hard time settling down to sleep at night and David woke up with a fever at 2 AM, so we are feeling a little worn out, but I'm glad we decided to come up with the whole family.

Ben had a great race, as I mentioned. He was pretty cold when it was all over! I'll have to get the picture of the grand prize off his camera -a Bigfoot trophy!

Sara's favorite part of the trip was the hotel pool. "I swim in the sea, Mommy! I brought my bathing suit!" She stayed in until her teeth were chattering but "I not cold, no! Stay in longer!" Later, while watching her Letter Factory DVD in our room, she said "I like hotels, Mommy." Probably because the rules were relaxed a little on vacation!

In the afternoon we took a drive up Old Mission Peninsula where Ben took some pictures of the lighthouse and the bay. It was cold but sunny and he got some good shots. The kids napped in the car and we enjoyed some grown up conversation while enjoying a beautiful drive.

The kids are probably so sick of being in the car! It's going to be a little rough getting back into the routine, but it's nice to get away and explore a little every now and then. Ben and I would really love to come back some time without the kids and just drive and hike around. We realized that our tenth anniversary is only 18 months away, so maybe that will be a good excuse! Who wants to babysit?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Look at David sitting with his truck! Tonight he sat without his Boppy and giggled at his favorite toy. He's getting so big!
He grabs for toys and belly laughs when anyone plays with him.

We had a good day, got going slowly until I got called into work. I worked a few hours and then came home to napped up kids. Sara and I made chicken enchiladas for dinner. Ben was very happy with that.

We watched some inauguration celebrations. "See Mommy, it's Barack Obama!" Sara did not want to go to bed, but finally the promise of reading Imogene while cuddling Daddy was too much to resist. Both kids are snoozing now and we are watching Biggest Loser.

For your daily funny: Sara's new favorite game. I invented "hibernating bears "when I wasn't feeling well with some inspiration from Mom. We hide in the blanket cave and do bear things. "Let's be hinerbating bears, Mommy! We eat nuts and berries, carrots and 'matoes! And salmon! Davey is a skeeky skirrel outside the cave!"

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sara and David really are learning to play together. Unfortunatly for David, this often means Sara hugs him and then takes his toys. She likes to read to him and show him the right way to play with his things. What a silly big sister. She loves to give hugs, too.

It's been snowy and freezing cold here. It's finally warm enough for me to let Sara out to play in the snow. It's difficult to explain below zero windchills to a kid who wants out on her sled!

David had his six month check up on Wednesday. He's healthy, weighs 16 lbs and 4 ounces and is 26.5 inches tall. He's getting so big!

This weekend I actually worked a whole shift. I've been getting called off alot, so it was really good to be at work. Sara and David had a Daddy day. They had a good time and the house was good and trashed when I got home!

Today was a very snowy day. It took Ben an hour to shovel the driveway! Oh well, that means that Sara will have plenty of fun tomorrow. She loves her sled and making snowballs. Hopefully it gets warm enough to make a good snowman. Maybe we'll teach her snow angels tomorrow. Ben will be home for MLK day, so we have an extended weekend! Yeah!

And now the knew they were coming. I can't help it, I have such amusing kids! I made David cereal for lunch today and walked away to get his bib. When I got back to the high chair he had pulled the bowl over, stuck his hand in and was happily licking at his fist. Cereal is a finger food, who knew?

Sara had fun taking David to the doctor. But when the nurse walked in with his immunizations, she got wide eyed, ran to the corner and said "Not me!"

Sara loves riding in Ben's truck. Ben was going to pick up some pizza on Friday and Sara did not want to go until Ben said he was taking the truck. Then she picked herself up off the floor and said "Daddy's big red truck? Let's go! I like truck."

My favorite Sara quote: "I would like a glass of milk." (big grin) "And milk goes with cookies!"