Saturday, February 28, 2009

That's what Sara asked me today - "Is it warm time yet, Mom? I have my sunhat, we need to go to beach and swim. I will get Mommy's sunhat too!" So here we are, wearing our sun hats and ready for the beach. Except that it is 20 degrees outside, definitly not warm time yet. My hat is the one I wore paddling the Upper Delaware River and hiking through the Grand Canyon and I get the urge to wander adventurously whenever I put it on.

We had a good Saturday even though David is still coughing and sneezing. Sara has learned how to wipe his nose with a Kleenex. "You sneezy, Davey, I clean your nose!" He prefers my gentle wipe to Sara's face scrubbing. We had to ask her to just wipe her dolly's nose for now.

Dave officially has a tooth now! It is just poking out on his bottom gum. He doesn't really like people sticking their fingers in there to check it out, but he doesn't have enough teeth to bite back yet! It's time for me to start buying Tylenol in bulk again. I'll try to get a picture sometime soon when he's in a better mood. He still looks pretty miserable and just needed to cuddle today. However, he did sleep ALL NIGHT LONG!!! last night! I woke up at 6:30 feeling far to rested. I'm 95% sure he slept all night, I have a nagging feeling that I did get up and just don't remember. Ben thinks I'm losing it, but I have perfected the art of feeding David without really becoming concious. It is a little scary now that I think about it. But how else can you survive the sleepless baby days?

Both kids went to bed early tonight and Ben is out playing broomball. I'm sitting in an unnaturally quiet house sipping my hot chocolate and blogging. What a nice break. Just typing that sentence made me feel relaxed. I'm internet planning some wishful thinking vacations - Grand Canyon hikes, canoe trips, tropical locations... I can dream! This may be related to the hat coming out of the closet today! Hopefully the kids will be good outdoors loving troopers and we can haul them all over the National Parks. Ben will promise to read the maps correctly and I will promise not to spill the food. It will be fun!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

David was a sick toot today. Look at that drooly, snotty, teary face! He tried hard to play and be happy but really just wanted to be held and cuddled. He's also cutting his first tooth and not to happy about it. After lots of love and Tylenol he's finally sleeping. Of course, its thundering so hard that the windows are shaking so that may not last so long. I'm just waiting to hear "Mommy, Mommy!" or "wah wah wah!"

We had a laid back day since neither Ben or I had to work. I got the grocery shopping done and Ben and Sara got to Menards. Sara loves riding with Daddy in his truck to do errands. And when she got back she yelled "Mommy, I'm home!" I quoted some Princess Bride to her the other day and now she likes to say "Have fun storming the castle!" when ever Ben or I leave. Oops!

We're really proud of Sara tonight, though! She went on the potty again and got a toy ice cream cone for telling me she had to go! Way to go Sara!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sara had a "super fun!" day today! Ben is home for his week of "vacation" so we decided to do something fun this morning. We got off to a leisurely start and then headed out to the Grand Rapids Public Museum. I was afraid Sara might be a little too young to appreciate it but she had a great time exploring the place. Her favorite thing was the big whale skeleton, or "big fish bones." It brought back memories for me of the old museam on Jefferson! They even kept some of the "Michigan habitat" dioramas - remember those from school field trip days? Sara loved driving the little tractor, trying to lift the big rock, seeing the old GR street and riding the bicycle and the streetcar. She got a bookmark from the print shop and cards from the furniture exhibit. David rode in the stroller and was happy for over two hours, so he must have enjoyed it too. He giggled and looked around. Both kids loved their carousel ride and were ready for a nap by the time we left.

We had a relaxing afternoon and Ben did laundry for me! It was necessary because of the huge blowout David achieved while sitting on my lap. Ben heard it from across the room. Sara giggled "David tooted out loud!" And I got to clean up the smears of poop and the diaper full of poop in a blast pattern. Ben was so proud of his little man.

We went to 8th St Grille to round out this red letter day. We decided to make this the fun day since I'm working much of the rest of the week. Sara enjoyed her grilled cheese and sneaking sips of my iced tea. "Mommy's juice" was so much better than her water!

Nate and Ellen and the kids came over to return Ben's bike tonight. Sara jumped up and down on the couch when she saw Allison and Andrew getting out of the truck. The kids enjoyed ripping around and then having a cookie snack. It was good to see you all! You can go visit Ellen's new blog by clicking on the link for "The Pastoors" Maybe my advertising here will get her to start posting!

The kids are sleeping now and Ben is getting ready to watch 24. I'm enjoying my clean kitchen and messing around on the computer. It's been fun! I hope you enjoy my slideshow that I set up ALL BY MYSELF. No Ben instructions needed. I feel like a big girl now :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Close ups

Ben was playing with his new lens (50 mm plus extension tube) last night and took these cute closeups. He'll probably have more posted to his photo blog. I'm so glad he got a shot of David and his thumb and Sara with a crayon - so typical of them both! Sara was extremely hard to photograph as she would not hold still for more than 5 seconds!

Sara funny of the day: After being told that carrots are good for your eyes she attempted to stick one in her eye. Oh the literal mind of a toddler.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I just can't believe how old David seems. He's growing like a weed! He likes to sit and play with Sara and only occasionally tips over when he gets too excited. I like the picture of shirtless baby; Ben told him that chicks dig a man with no shirt. I just like the baby belly. It's so kissable! I'm sure he'll love the bathtub pic when he's older too. And just look at him learning to play Legos with Dad and Sara!
We had a great weekend. We got together with the college roommates on Saturday. The adults still outnumber the kids - but only barely. Brand new baby Jack Becksvoort was there - were my kids ever that small? He's adorable. Sara had fun playing with everyone. All the way there she said "I'm going to a party!" and all the way home she said "I like parties, I was at a party!" Thanks Nate and Melissa for letting us all invade your house!
We visited Great Grandma after church on Sunday. Sara was so excited to see Allison and Andrew now that they are both feeling better. They played hard and ate cake. We went home for lunch and changing and then went to tour the new Haunstein Center and the new critical care unit we're moving into. It's a beautiful building! Sara liked seeing Mommy's work and getting a cookie. She thinks that work means you go somewhere and get candy or cookies because thats what happens every time she goes to JCI or Saints. David was a good sleeper at first and then woke up to see the sights. He was happy and smiling and I was so glad I had well behaved children so Ben and I could really explore the place. The big move starts next week. I really hope I don't get called off this week because I would like at least one more shift on the old unit. Oh the memories!
The kids were pretty well behaved if slightly clingy today. Sara played nicely with David and helped me make dinner in the crock pot. I chopped, she dumped. I picked David up afterwards and he did not enjoy slobbering onion-y hands. His face was priceless!
Sara got a Valentine card from Grandma Algera today. She's still trying to comprehend the mysteries of the post office but was excited to get mail to open. "Oh Mommy, I got a card! From Grandma! It's so cute, I hug it. And kisses too!" Every so often she would say "Oh, where my card? There it is! I read it again."
David is widening his horizons of fruits and vegetables. Bananas, sweet potatoes and carrots are now acceptable foods. And rice cereal with mixed fruit is almost as much of a hit as cereal with apples. I think he'll be able to start finger foods as soon as he figures out that he can shovel stuff into his mouth and chew. Teeth might help with that.
Both kids are sleeping now and I should be getting stuff together for tomorrow. I'm working so I like to have everything organized for the kids before I go to bed. Ben is watching 24, his one TV addiction and picking up toys during the commercials. The toys are beginning to take over around here - but we try!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Reason 462..

Yes, reason 462 to have kids -the excuse to play Nerf football in the living room. Sara needs to gain a little weight before she'll be an effective blocker. But she knows how to do a touchdown dance!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I love this picture of David. It shows how excited he gets over his cereal. Veggies are still somewhat suspect, but rice cereal with apples is the highlight of his mealtimes! Ben calls this his bird mouth and Sara says "Davey is open wide!"
We had a wonderful, warm day here with high temperatures near 60! It was sunny and felt like spring. "I hear birdies, see mouses Mommy!" Mouses are squirrels; we don't have any resident rodents that I know of. Maybe she is seeing something I don't? Our kitty has been gone for seven months now.
Grandma and Grandpa came over for a visit today and Sara is still excited. Grandpa played catch with her. She's discovered a new favorite game. "I catch and kick and throw!" I think she'll be an athlete someday. I got a good amount of housework done while Dad watched the kids and Mom helped with the laundry. Thanks Mom!
Sara had a great dinner tonight. Chicken pot pie! When I put the plate in front of her, she checked it out and then squealed "Look, chicken bits! Pot pie is so yummy." I think she might have eaten more than I did!
Hopefully tomorrow will have some sun, since we hear that the cold weather is heading back this way. It's been wonderful!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Do you still recognize these cuties? It's been so long since I last posted. We've been pretty busy and worn out from lack of sleep. Fortunatly we have all been healthy and happy and just hanging out through the cold and gray days of late January and early February. Maybe I'm feeling more communicative because the last few days have been sunny and warmer. As Sara said "The sun came out to make me happy!"

This picture of Sara is her spring dress and shoes. Ellen found it for her last year, and guessed the size about right. She calls it her dancing dress and pretty shoes. She is such a girl! Even at two she likes shoes, dresses, hair bows and makeup. She got to watch Grandma and Mom try out Mary Kay makeup last week. She sat in her chair for 45 minutes with her own brushes making herself beautiful. She's still talking about it. Ben just shakes his head and is glad that David is a boy.

David has been a happy drooler. He soaks his clothes and bibs! When is that tooth going to show? His newest favorite trick is grabbing at faces and giving hugs. If he's hungry he'll chew at my chin. And of course, this is all accompanied by huge belly laughs. He loves sitting on Sara's bed listening to her read books and loves when she pats his back and tickles his tummy. I've given him some bath books to chew on and he flips the pages like he really knows what he's doing.

I took Sara to the library on Saturday. She was so excited to see the turtles and fish that live on the children's floor. But when she got up there she saw all the books and the turtles were forgotton. "So many books! Whose books?" When I told her she could pick two books to borrow she headed right for the shelf and started choosing. I'm already sick of reading "Stuck in the Mud". She already has it memorized! I hope she will understand that these books have to go back.

Sara has been feeding us such delicious dishes such as pancakes with special butter, pizza with "all the fixings", alphabet soup (David's favorite according to her) and happy birthday cake with peanut butter frosting. That kitchen was the best gift for her! What an imagination she has!

I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of small happenings. I'll try to stay a little more caught up!