Monday, July 20, 2009

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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sara and David took a bath together tonight. Sara didn't want a bath, but we persuaded her to jump in with Dave. Much laughing and splashing and cuteness occurred.

I can't seem to get much of a story together tonight, so here are some highlights of the past few days.

On Wednesday we drove down to the beach to watch the sailboats race. They were inshore on Lake Macatawa so we got a good close view. Sara and David loved it.

I worked on Thursday and the kids had a good day with Kim and then Daddy. They were fairly clean when I got home and half ready for bed. Good job, Dad!

Sara has been enjoying "helping" Ben build his boat. Check his blog for current progress and a very cute Sara pic.

David has learned how to give kisses and hugs. His kisses are very slobbery but I love them. He gives a big smile and smacks his mommy! I love getting him out of bed in the morning and getting a morning kiss!

He is also doing very well with crawling, having discovered that he can get around much faster on all fours than by scooting around. He's also working on pulling himself up and taking some steps with someone holding his hand. Tonight he and Sara were dancing together in the kitchen. I couldn't get to the camera fast enough, so you will just have to believe me when I say it was adorable.

The kids are snuggled in bed on this rainy night. Ben and I are watching hockey. The Red Wings are up 5-0 at the moment. Go Wings!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Give me pie!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"I want some too!"

Sara drives the new car

Dad helps Sara plant the garden

Sara makes her own bed

Picnic on the patio

We've been busy! Let me hit the highlights. These are some of the cuter pictures from the last week or so. The kids are keeping us amused and growing up so fast!

Ben ran the Hope Classic on Saturday and ran his fastest 5K ever - 19:35! He was aiming for under 20 minutes so he was really excited.
After the race we went car shopping. We were looking for a car with a little more room than the Altima. We finally bought a car on Monday; a Subaru Forester. Sara thinks it is her own car and likes to sit in the driver's seat. She also likes her new booster car seat and lets David used her old one. I love driving my new car around!

Sara has been saying many funny things. It's amazing to watch her communication skills improve. She tells stories, has full conversations and gives opinions. We've moved from the question and answer stage to the actual conversation stage. I love it!

David finished his physical therapy yesterday. He met all his goals and "graduated"! His crawling improves everyday and he's starting to pull himself up and walk holding onto my hands. He's such a toot. He is very motivated by food, plastic bags and crayons. He fell all over himself trying to get Sara's strawberry pie this evening! She finally gave him a couple small bites. It's so cute to see them interacting with eachother. David isn't just the baby sitting there anymore, he's turning into the little brother.

Sara and I took a walk to the park after Dave fell asleep. Ben stayed back with him and worked on the boat. We had a nice conversation about robins with red breasts and wings. She likes to list things and we made a good list of different kinds of birds. When we cross the street she says "Now we look both ways for cars! No cars! Let's go, Mommy!" At one street there were cars; "One, two cars. Wait for them. Now we go!"

When we got to the park there were a few other kids there. Two brothers came up and asked Sara if she wanted to play tag. "Ask your Mommy if you can play tag!" Sara grinned and said "OK, what's tag?" I told her to go ahead and the boys explained how it works. She really liked running around although she was a little fuzzy on the rules. "I'm it! I run away!"

Sara helped me do some baking today. We made strawberry pie and rhubarb berry jam. She had fun measuring and mixing and tasting. She got her chef hat and apron so she could be a chef just like Chef Pig on Word World. Ben is very happy about my new baking kick. He's going to have to work out a lot to keep up with his calorie intake! Actually, I'm just trying to use up all the rhubarb I picked at Mom's house. Sara will actually eat it raw but the rest of us like it sweetened up a bit.

It's getting late; Ben and I can't believe we're still up. We're getting old! But the kids always wake us up nice and early so we have to grab sleep when we can!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

That's David's happy giggle - "guy, guy, guy!!" I've never heard a baby giggle like that, but it is really cute. He's such a happy dude, and always dimpling at something. Here he is, sitting on his beach chair supervising Daddy's boat building and chatting away.

Ben and the kids had a great Memorial Day; I had to work. I had a good day working and everyone else had a good day together. Ben took the kids to the parade in Jenison. It goes down Baldwin, right near Nate and Ellen's house. The group gathered early and walked down to watch. The kids had a great time. This parade still lets people throw candy and Sara was amazed. They saw Clifford, Curious George, Ronald McDonald, firetrucks, cars and dogs. Sara has been listing the fun things in the parade all day long. She doens't mention the dogs - she is still being afraid of them. After the parade, it was time for lunch and then all the kids took naps together and the adults relaxed. My contribution was a devil's food cake I made for Ben's birthday. He's 31 now!

Sara and David were up early and back to their normal routine today. They have been so amusing! Sara has been explaining camping to David. "We will pack toys and books and food and sleep in a tent and get dirty! We will swim and have a flashlight!" She can't wait. I hope she enjoys the actual camping as much as the talking about it. What's really cute is how she ticks each fun thing off on her fingers as she lists it.

David had his first experience playing on dirt today. He scooted off the blanket in his efforts to get to Sara's pink ball. He was one dirty little dude by the time we came inside to escape the sprinkles! He can't move very fast but he certainly is persistant. He gets to what he wants!

After baths the rain got a little harder and there was some thunder. Sara told me "sometimes it storms in the nighttime and I wake up. But the thunder does not come in my bed so I just go to sleep. Sometimes I find mommy if it does. I think I will be OK tonight." Since things have calmed down, I think she will be. She also worries about David a little; "you need to check on Davy if it is loud tonight, OK? He might be scared. Maybe he should have Dolly tonight." I reassured her that he would be fine and I'll keep an ear out for him.

What a fun day. I'm sure I'll have more quotes by tomorrow. And David should be warming up to some new tricks soon!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Oh dear. Dave is mobile. This causes much glee on David's part and much angst on Sara's. "Davey is in my STUFF! Mommy! Help!!" Yes, its true! Dave has learned to crawl. It's still a mix of crawl/hitch/scoot, but he's getting where he wants to go. Way to go little man! He scoots himself all over the rug. The floor is a little harder because he loses traction with each forward movement. But now that he's got the forward motion figured out I'm sure his crawling abilities will improve rapidly. Time to check the baby-proofing!

David had therapy today and Sara went to Allison's house. They had fun playing. Ellen says it's pretty funny to listen to the kids playing together. They really have a great time. Dave did well at therapy and didn't even get to fussed.

After short naps we went to visit Great Grandma. She's finally feeling a little better and was glad to see all the grandkids. Dave showed off his crawling attempts and the older kids gave hugs and hung out. David really eyes the cookies he sees everyone munching on. Soon you will have enough teeth to get one, Dude!

After dinner Sara helped me make cinnamon rolls for Ben's birthday treat for work tomorrow. She likes to measure and mix and especially to punch down the dough after it rises. She packs a pretty good punch for a two year old! This is the first time I've fridged them overnight, so I hope they turn out well.

David went to bed after that and Sara and I had a girl picnic for bedtime snack. We made lemonade with ice and sat out on the patio chairs. I showed her how to do a toast; she calls it "knocking sippys." We chatted and played some catch until she started to get sleepy.

Sara got a package from Grandpa Algera that had a new bedtime story in it! She was so excited to get an envelope with "my own name! See! S-A-R-A! That means it is mine!" It's the story of the Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge. She loves it. Thanks Grandpa! She got some pictures of Grandpa by the lighthouse on the Hudson and has to have them with her when she reads her book. She wants to go see this lighthouse for herself "some soon day with Grandpa"

I got her into bed and quick finished up the rolls. Dave started bawling towards the end of the job. I let him watch Daddy boat build for a bit and then tucked him back in. Both kids are sleeping comfortably now that the air conditioning is running. They were both unsettled and I finally noticed that the house temp was 80 degrees. Too hot! It was really warm today. I'm finding that I don't have enough summer clothes to keep from doing kid laundry every other day. Time to find some deals!

It's been a good day. I'm so glad David is learning to move. He gets so frustrated when he can't get where he wants to be. Go Davey, keep it up! He's a happy dimple face through it all. Oh, he learned another trick today too, speaking of happy flirt faces. He waved bye-bye to his therapists. He tried waving to Grandma but just ended up staring at his hands. It's very cute and I'm sure he'll master it so we can catch some major cute video soon. He's such a little man!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Go fly a kite

It felt like mid summer here today! We took advantage of the great weather for a trip to the beach after Ben got home. We had a picnic dinner which Sara loved. "We are having a picnic! It's the best way to have dinner!" Then we went to watch the boats and fly Sara's kite on the beach along the channel. There were plenty of boats for Sara to wave at and Dave seemed to have fun discovering sand. Sara ran around wearing herself out.

After a quick stop to Target for Tylenol and baby wipes, it was time for baths. Sara has started to get terribly upset when she has to get washed up. I'm not sure why. She just sobs when she sees the soap. I managed to get her cleaned up and into her clean nightgown. Then she let me brush her hair and help brush her teeth with no complaints. I can't figure this out, but I suppose this will probably pass in time. Dave does not have this problem; he loves his bath. He splashes and giggles and has a great time. Ben noted that I looked more soaked than Dave after that bath was done.

David is still up rolling around on the rug. He's been a little crabby and sick today. Tylenol and cuddling seem to put him right, but I'm giving him a helmet break for a bit and letting him just lay and snuggle his fuzzy blankie. He's such a laid back little man.

Just got Dave to bed with his blankie and thumb in mouth. Ben is out working on the boat and I'm listening to the Tigers on the radio/watching the score online. And as I type that I see that the game finished while I was up tucking Dave in. The Tigers are on a roll! I hear a few babbles from upstairs, but it's mostly quiet. I'm so glad both kids have the ability to put themselves to sleep, it makes bedtime so much easier.