Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Let me sum up...

"I want some too!"

Sara drives the new car

Dad helps Sara plant the garden

Sara makes her own bed

Picnic on the patio

We've been busy! Let me hit the highlights. These are some of the cuter pictures from the last week or so. The kids are keeping us amused and growing up so fast!

Ben ran the Hope Classic on Saturday and ran his fastest 5K ever - 19:35! He was aiming for under 20 minutes so he was really excited.
After the race we went car shopping. We were looking for a car with a little more room than the Altima. We finally bought a car on Monday; a Subaru Forester. Sara thinks it is her own car and likes to sit in the driver's seat. She also likes her new booster car seat and lets David used her old one. I love driving my new car around!

Sara has been saying many funny things. It's amazing to watch her communication skills improve. She tells stories, has full conversations and gives opinions. We've moved from the question and answer stage to the actual conversation stage. I love it!

David finished his physical therapy yesterday. He met all his goals and "graduated"! His crawling improves everyday and he's starting to pull himself up and walk holding onto my hands. He's such a toot. He is very motivated by food, plastic bags and crayons. He fell all over himself trying to get Sara's strawberry pie this evening! She finally gave him a couple small bites. It's so cute to see them interacting with eachother. David isn't just the baby sitting there anymore, he's turning into the little brother.

Sara and I took a walk to the park after Dave fell asleep. Ben stayed back with him and worked on the boat. We had a nice conversation about robins with red breasts and wings. She likes to list things and we made a good list of different kinds of birds. When we cross the street she says "Now we look both ways for cars! No cars! Let's go, Mommy!" At one street there were cars; "One, two cars. Wait for them. Now we go!"

When we got to the park there were a few other kids there. Two brothers came up and asked Sara if she wanted to play tag. "Ask your Mommy if you can play tag!" Sara grinned and said "OK, what's tag?" I told her to go ahead and the boys explained how it works. She really liked running around although she was a little fuzzy on the rules. "I'm it! I run away!"

Sara helped me do some baking today. We made strawberry pie and rhubarb berry jam. She had fun measuring and mixing and tasting. She got her chef hat and apron so she could be a chef just like Chef Pig on Word World. Ben is very happy about my new baking kick. He's going to have to work out a lot to keep up with his calorie intake! Actually, I'm just trying to use up all the rhubarb I picked at Mom's house. Sara will actually eat it raw but the rest of us like it sweetened up a bit.

It's getting late; Ben and I can't believe we're still up. We're getting old! But the kids always wake us up nice and early so we have to grab sleep when we can!


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