Saturday, June 6, 2009

More video blogging

Sara and David took a bath together tonight. Sara didn't want a bath, but we persuaded her to jump in with Dave. Much laughing and splashing and cuteness occurred.

I can't seem to get much of a story together tonight, so here are some highlights of the past few days.

On Wednesday we drove down to the beach to watch the sailboats race. They were inshore on Lake Macatawa so we got a good close view. Sara and David loved it.

I worked on Thursday and the kids had a good day with Kim and then Daddy. They were fairly clean when I got home and half ready for bed. Good job, Dad!

Sara has been enjoying "helping" Ben build his boat. Check his blog for current progress and a very cute Sara pic.

David has learned how to give kisses and hugs. His kisses are very slobbery but I love them. He gives a big smile and smacks his mommy! I love getting him out of bed in the morning and getting a morning kiss!

He is also doing very well with crawling, having discovered that he can get around much faster on all fours than by scooting around. He's also working on pulling himself up and taking some steps with someone holding his hand. Tonight he and Sara were dancing together in the kitchen. I couldn't get to the camera fast enough, so you will just have to believe me when I say it was adorable.

The kids are snuggled in bed on this rainy night. Ben and I are watching hockey. The Red Wings are up 5-0 at the moment. Go Wings!


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