Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sara got a treat tonight - a Burger King kids meal with Pink Panther shades as the toy. Does life get any better than pink glasses and chicken nuggets?

We picked up fast food so that we could get to Grand River Park and meet the paddlers doing the Ultimate Hugh Heward Challenge - a paddle from Detroit to Chicago. We managed to get there just minutes before they did and were able to hand over some banana bread and chat for a bit. I just wanted to say "here are the keys to the car, I'll take that canoe from here!" Ah well. Maybe next year. Getting to the boat launch was slightly complicated by the overflowed river. Ben got brave and waded in only to discover that the big lake over the road was really only ankle deep. We were able to drive along the road, but the boardwalk was cut off by thigh deep water. We've had an amazing amount of rain lately. But today ended up bright and sunshiny, just right for a small adventure.

Sara was hoping she would see a pink boat. I told her that those are really rare, but we will keep our eyes peeled! Ben says he will buy her a pink paddle when she is big enough to use one. She loves pink.

One other story related to the banana bread. Sara would like everyone to know that she made it all by herself. She did help. Today she was "reading" one of my cookbooks and telling me how to make her favorite dishes. David was cheering her on whenever she said "and then we eat it!" For example - here is Sara's chicken pot pie. "It has chicken bits, salt, corn and pepper. You sprinkle the salt and shake the pepper. Then you put it in a hot oven and bake it until it is yummy. Then you put it on the table to cool and then you eat it all up!" She had similar instructions for banana bread, cinnamon bread, pizza and cookies. She's pretty observant.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Watch Sara run her race! It's an action shot, so forgive the crazy angles; Ben did his best following a randomly moving target!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sara ran a real race today! She did one lap around the indoor track at Calvin's new fieldhouse for the Family Fun Run. She got her own race number and race shirt and thought that she was the biggest girl ever. "I got a shirt and a number! I'm a real racer. I'm like Daddy!" She got to pick up her race packet and then we walked around campus to see what had changed since we were there. Ben and I graduated 9 years ago, can you believe it? The new fieldhouse is amazing. It's huge! We showed David and Sara where Mom and Dad lived and ate and went to school. Sara was impressed. David just blew gazoos.

There were games for the kids before their race, and Sara loved the parachute game. She ran under it and did her jellybean dance. Thanks for teaching her that, Grandma! When the race actually started she had a hard time focusing on running in a straight line, but eventually figured it out and finished about 5 kids from the back of the pack. Hopefully she'll fix that by the time she runs for the Calvin track team :) Ben got some cute video of her racing, I have it up on Facebook.

David and Sara were both very talkative on the drive home. They make each other laugh when they ride in their car seats. Our trip was a little longer since we got a flat tire just before the Zeeland exit. Ben worked his amazing manly skills to fix it before the kids even got too upset. We ate lunch, then Ben went to get the tire replaced. I got a nap in with the kids and Ben got to work on his boat for a while while a big spring storm rolled through. Dave must have been really tired because he didn't react to the thunder at all.

It's still rainy and rumbling outside. David is sleeping and Sara is snuggling Daddy in her heart pjs. Thanks for the hand-me-down, Allison! "These are my heart pjs, from Asilon!" Silly kid.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

It was a summer like day today - warm and sunny. We took the kids to the Meijer Gardens. They had a great time. It was amazingly crowded in the butterfly conservatory and the childrens garden so we spent most of our time in the Farm Garden and the Woodland Shade Garden. Sara did get a chance to play tea party in the tree house and sail a toy boat, though. David got to splash his feet in the Great Lakes. The water was a little cold, so he would pull his foot out as soon as he stuck it in, pause for a minute and then put his foot back in and giggle. Both kids enjoyed sitting on the farmhouse porch and rocking. Sara loves the farm, especially the old barn. She ran all over in her new racing shoes and cried when we started to head back to the entrance. "No, I stay by butterflies and tea party all day! Please!" Both kids fell asleep soon after we started driving home. I'll update Flickr soon so you can check out the cuteness.

After we left the gardens we went to pick up the plywood for Ben's canoe. We made it to Johnson's Workbench minutes before they closed. Ben got his wood and is very excited to start building. Go check out his boatbuilding blog!

Bedtime was a little hard tonight because they were both worn out. But they are both snoozing away now. Ben and I are watching the first Harry Potter movie and unwinding.

Friday, April 17, 2009

It was a beautiful spring day today and the kids took full advantage of the sunshine. "Oh Mom! The sun came out to make me happy! Davey, we can be outside today!" Sara still put on her hat and coat and was suspicious of my assurances she did not need them. Two minutes outside and they were laying on the driveway.

Sara brought all her books and favorite toys outside on the patio. She read, colored, kicked, threw and caught all her balls and just ran around being happy. I have lots of grass stains and dirt to get out of her jeans! But it's worth it. I did have to go buy her new shoes tonight. Her old ones are so worn out they fall off when she runs. "Mommy, my shoes came off! I'm helpless! Fix it please!" I got her some lace up tennis shoes. I can't wait to show them to her tomorrow morning.

David came out after his nap. He had fun finishing off Sara's snack at the picnic table and sitting in the grass playing with a soccer ball. He was very talkative and happy watching and pointing at the birds.

Sara and I made a cake for Ben from scratch! It's pretty good, but I think I'll try a new recipe next time. The frosting turned out a little dry but after some doctoring looks pretty decent. Sara got to lick the beaters and made a huge mess of her face and hair.

Both kids were in serious need of a bath before bedtime. They're both sound asleep now and hopefully they will stay that way. I made a quick Target run and Ben loaded up the truck for the Project Pride dump. We have a big day planned for tomorrow and the weather is supposed to be wonderful again. We are planning to go to the Meijer Gardens and then to pick up plywood for the canoe Ben is building. Should be a great Saturday!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ben here...

Emily is working, so I have the kids for the afternoon and evening.  Since it is such a beautiful day, I took the Sara and David for a walk after dinner.  For Sara, this is a training run / walk.  Next weekend (April 25) we are 'running' in the Calvin Classic 1k Fun Run, and Sara needs to get in shape!  For me, this was another oportunity to play with my new GPS.  I logged our walk and uploaded it to Google Maps; see below:

View Walk in a larger map

Some other vital statistics:
Total Distance:  0.56 miles
(Sara quit and sat down after 0.5 miles, so I carried her the rest of the way)
Top speed:  4.4 MPH (I'm not kidding!!)
Moving Average: 2.4 MPH
Trip Average: 1.8 MPH 

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm just typing as she talks/sings:

"playing the piano da da da in my hiding spot....I am playing the ladybug song Laaaaddddy buuuuuggg da da da....the ladybug goes flit flit, the dolphin goes splashy splash in the salty sea la la la la..."

"I play like Beethoven"

" I need some lemonade for my throat to keep going now"

"all night long I sing at the zoo, play with me la la la goo goo goo..."

"I will bring my lemonade in here, no, that's really silly"

"Oh Mommy, I will not spill, that would be naughty!"

Dave is singing now too - "agaaaaa gaaaa maaaaa maaaa"

Unintelligible singing to the tune of Rock a Bye Baby

"I take a picture of you, Mommy, because you are pretty! Cheese for me! That's cute"

"How do I turn this off? Silly camera. Want to fix it Mom?"

" Battery is dead? I know where to find more Mom. Here you go!"

"My camera is not a real one , I want real one to work!"

"Oh can we have lunch? Banana and cheese with milk?"

"Oh the sun came out to make me happy! It is far away up in the sky but it will make me warm"

"My lunch! Thank you, so good cheese. Carrots are good for my eyes!"

I might continue this later, but for now we have to eat some so good lunch.