Tuesday, March 24, 2009

David is now a champion speed roller! He thinks it's a lot of fun, too. Lots of giggles and squeals when he gets moving. He rolled from the couch to the kitchen table this morning when I was upstairs getting Sara moving. But the funniest thing was when he got himself stuck under the couch while I was getting Sara on the potty. There he sat, chatting away on his tummy and chewing his thumb with his whole body except for his head under the couch. I got a big dimply grin when I came to save him.

We went to the library today so Ben and I could get a break from Ping Pong Pig and Gladys Goes Out to Lunch. We replaced them with Big Al and Cock a Doodle Quack Quack. Sara loves the library because she can do puzzles and say hi to the turtles. She likes to carry her own books and hand them over to be checked out herself. While I was picking through the new book shelf she sat in the chairs and read her books to herself in a whisper after I told her she had to be quiet in the library. I can't believe how well behaved she is when we go out to do errands. Now that I've written that she'll probably hit her two year old stride, but I'm just so proud of her.

Sara got her hair cut today and thinks she is a very beautiful girlie. She was so solemn sitting in the chair that she looked like a whole different girl than my little chatterbox. But she gave a grin at the end when we told her what a pretty girl she was. She chattered away about her most beautiful bangs in the car. "What you think David? I pretty?"

Right now I'm hearing singing from upstairs. I thought I had two sleeping children, but apparently not. Ben went up to listen at her door. She's in bed but the lights are on. Ben couldn't tell what she was singing but she sounded happy so we're ignoring her for the moment. It's hard, she's so cute! I bought a night light shaped like a little lampshade for her and she thinks it's the best part of her room. "Thank you Mommy, it is my own little light for bedtime! It will make it nice!"

David did well with his first night and full day in his helmet. He really does seem to be forgetting about it and going about his business. His teeth seem to be bugging him the most. Drool and chew, drool and chew. But all with a smile!

Ben and I are watching The Biggest Loser and getting a little nighttime clean up done. I suppose I should go check on Sara since I don't hear anymore chattering. It was a busy but very fun day!

10:44 update: I checked on Sara; she turned her lights off and tucked herself back into bed. Her books were off the shelf and stacked at the foot of the bed and she had her junk mail catalogs in bed with her. I think she just wasn't quite ready to sleep when we put her to bed!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Random posting

So here's a picture of sad little Dude. He did not have such a good therapy appointment today. All he wanted to do was hug Mommy and suck his thumb but Mommy and his therapist wanted him to roll and bounce. He did OK for a bit and then melted into a sobbing heap. He gets the biggest tears rolling down his little fat cheeks. We cuddled a bit and then headed to Ellen's house where he slept all morning except for one eating break. When he woke up he was much happier and played all afternoon. He's learned how to roll to get wherever he wants and rolled all the way across Sara's room so he could play in the pile of laundry. Ben said he probably would have headed down the hall but he stopped him because he was afraid he'd go down the stairs.

Sara had a fun day playing with Andrew. They both love to play catch, color and read books. They both get the giggles when you read The Pigeon Has Feelings Too! You're looking at one happy bird! Happy, happy happy!! She has also been singing the Butterfly Song. It involves the word butterfly, lots of garbled singing and arm waving. She wanted Ben to sing it with her but he was mystified by the lyrics.

Sara funny of the day: While enjoying her chicken and broccoli, she stopped suddenly and said "Excuse me!" We asked why. She grinned and let out a very loud burp. "That's why! I'm excused!" It seems some more manners education may be necessary.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sara was so excited today: we went back to see the butterflies! And Grandma and Grandpa came along! How could it get any better? When we pulled into the Gardens she started laughing and pointing "we are at the butterflies! How super fun! To the butterflies!" She grabbed Grandma's hand and headed for the door while we slow people got David out of the car and bundled into his stroller. She got her own guidebook and walked through the conservatory saying "I will find that one in my book now" and then pointing to a completely random picture. She lasted a little over an hour before she wanted to run and have a snack.

I love this picture of David and Sara. David looked around and giggled when a few butterflies came over by him. There were a lot more out than there were two weeks ago. He was content to take it in while being held by whoever's arms were the least tired. He's getting big!

In other David news, he has figured out how to go from sitting to tummy so that he can scoot over to toys. Today the favorite target was his Jack in the box. The giggles he gives when he succeeds are so cute! He did well with his helmet training today - 2 hours on then 1 hour off. He didn't seem to mind the on/off process as much as yesterday.

This afternoon turned into a beautiful spring day. David and I took a nap while Ben and Sara worked in the yard. Sara is so glad to be able to be outside. We took a walk after dinner and she wanted out of the stroller to "run fast myself!" She probably ran half a mile and we were walking pretty fast to keep up with her. It's so fun to watch her toddler run ahead of us, waving her arms, yelling and giggling. She fell once and immediatly announced "I'm OK! I'll keep running!" David rode in the stroller looking at all the barking dogs and chewing at his teething toy. Poor guy. He really seems to relax in the stroller so I'm glad we can get out more often now. I bet that he will love the beach as much as Sara does! We don't dare say the word beach to her unless we really are going out there.

After the walk we did baths and bedtime. Both kids went to sleep right at their bedtimes, all worn out. We're hoping for a good night from the teething one!

Friday, March 20, 2009

March has been a busy busy month so far. These are my favorite shots of David with his big and sometimes naughty grin. Last week I got that Dutch costume for Tulip Time - isn't he the cutest little Dutchman? I think the hat is the best part.

We had a short stretch of really warm weather and the kids lived outside for a couple of days. It makes for good sleep at night, or it would if David was not teething. Sara loves running around and playing catch. She tried to teach David but "Davey is not a very good catcher."

David also started his helmet therapy for the flat spot on the back of his head. We got it fitted today and he is on a getting used to it schedule. By Tuesday he will be wearing it 23 hours per day and will wear it for 4-6 months. Hopefully that will round him out nicely. He is also getting some physical therapy mainly for his neck, shoulder and arm muscles. He is doing very well with that and started rolling over and scooting for toys this afternoon! Way to go Dave! The therapy wears him out so he has been eating ravenously and sleeping as well as his teeth will let him. We'll do this for 6 weeks and I think he'll be up to speed by then. Having mastered rolling, we are now working on getting up on his hands and knees. Soon he'll be running with Sara! He's such a good little dude about the whole process.

Ben made supper tonight by going to Village Inn. Mmmmmm, pepperoni and green pepper hand tossed crust pizza. Sara loves it as much as we do. Dave grabbed for it but was denied. I do let him eat soft table foods like potato, applesauce, yogurt or Cheerios. Every now and then I catch Sara trying to feed him her lunch. I should let him try chewing some toast or crackers and see how he does with it. I remember being so nervous when Mom fed Sara a graham cracker at 8 months old. Now I just let Sara hand him one to see what he would do. Mostly, he just made a big drooly mess but he seemed to like it!

Both kids went to bed with no protest tonight and I think I'm going to follow their lead and curl up with a book. Ben got a sailing adventure story from the library (can't think of the title at the moment) and I've gotten into it. A quiet house is a nice change from the way things usually are.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sorry these pictures are a little late. We took the kids to "Night of the Butterflies" at the Meijer Gardens last Thursday. We all had a great time! Sara loved the butterflies that "come on my nose!" One flew in her face and her night was made. She had her own flashlight and ran around "finding just another one, Mommy!" There were snacks and a drum band that let the kids play on the drums. Sara got her picture taken with "fluttery bugs" and got a ladybug tattoo. David rode in the stroller giggling and babbling. We finished off the night with a tram ride highlighted by David's major stinky diaper. We were glad it was warm enough to have the windows open our our fellow passengers might have tossed us off the train!